Virus watched as the woman pilfered from the guards and got the key. Soon enough, the glass wall opened, and Veronica stepped out from behind it and stood to face the woman when she spoke. When the woman mentioned the disguise, Virus looked at herself to see the illusion the woman set up, and she commented, "Fascinating," She then helped the woman drag the two guards into the prison, before they started down their journey down the hallway to the security room. Once there, Virus followed the woman's order to stay outside as she handled the security guards that were in the room. When she was given the word, Virus entered the room. The room looked like a gold mine to Virus with all of the computers and a large master computer at the front. Soon the woman was speaking again, telling her what needed to be done (obviously for the jailbreak plan to be a success). When the woman was done, Virus answered her with the same tone as she had used, "Understood. What you wish for will be accomplished in three minutes," She then headed up to the master computer and sat in the chair and got to work after cracking her fingers. She typed away, her fingers becoming nothing more than a furious blur. Virus had a grin on her face as she did her work and she commented laughing "Aww! They call this a firewall? How adorable. It's pathetic!" She continued away, and she was fast enough for her benefactor to see that Virus did as the woman wished. She replaced today's security footage with the one from two days ago, locked all of the main entrances of the building, and set all of the alarms to sound in an hour (delaying any alarm that would sound before then). As much as Virus would love to have pulled a prank, a jailbreak was not the best time for such a thing. Virus stood up and said to the woman "It is done," She thought of what to do, and she gained an idea. She could stay and help this woman by keeping an eye on the security footage and give the woman any heads up for any unforeseen obstacles, but that would require a cell phone or something like that. Or she could go with the woman so she can disable or unlock any devices. She asked the woman in all seriousness "Would you rather have me accompany you, or stay here and keep an eye on security footage Madam?"