[center] [img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjgwLjA0ZTdmNi5SWFpsSUU5eWFXOXNaUSwsLjA,/marriage-moment-personal-use.regular.png[/img] [H1]&[/h1] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/655deeb3-62de-46d2-a472-dca582bc7ce1.png[/img] [/center] After everyone had boarded the aircraft Diana moved to shake hands with Bisque,she beamed and grabbed onto Diana's hand. She yanked her down to her level and pulled her into a tight hug, her vice grip made it impossible to pry her off. [color=FFE4C4]"You must be Diana Seraph! I've heard all about you from Eve but I've heard your name before on my research trips in Atlas! You are a top notch Atlas Specialist! Ohhhh! It's so good to meet you in person!"[/color] [color=E8AC41]"In case you didn't notice Bisque like to hug..."[/color] Yoki was trying to stifle his laughter. [color=E8AC41]"You were right to worry!"[/color] [color=00aeef]"Bisque I told you it wouldn't be a good idea to hug Diana!"[/color] Eve called out. She was sitting near Marlin. [color=00aeef]"I thought you were going to keep your hands to yourself for once!"[/color] [color=E8AC41]"Isn't that asking the impossible from her?"[/color] Yoki scoffed. [color=FFE4C4]"I can't help it she looks like she could use a little love in her life!"[/color] Bisque giggled.