9pm "The Double D's" A big neon sign, smacked right in the middle of the street, was the welcoming light for one of the biggest and well known clubs for gentlemen around. There was nothing subtle about it, this place was in one of the best spots in town, you could see it from a mile away and it was located on the main vein of roads in the area. The fact that the place was constantly expanding meant it was not only surviving the no doubt killer rent but it was doing pretty good for itself....naked ladies brought in money, who knew huh? The owner who was currently calling himself Max, this month atleast, was running his business pretty tight despite what many thought of him. He had earned himself a pretty sizable clintel in his clubs but this was his casa, the big cheese, the main one, you get it. Exactly why he didn't take the news of what happened earlier pretty well..... Max: "The fuck is this bullshit? I am away for a few hours and you drop this shit on me?" "What was I supposed to do boss? She was down and out by the time we found her. I got ahold of you as soon as Lucy got off the phone with the sherif's office." Max: "You what? AAAA!" Max punched him square in the nose and dropped him like a sack of potatoes.....good thing the guy was a fable. "I am surrounded by morons. If I was paying you decant I'd cut your pay!" Max grabbed a bottle of rum from behind the bar and started chugging it down. After going through most of it he set it down. "Right well, the place ain't working tonight obviously, you compensated the customers that had to leave?" "Yeah boss." The guy talked pretty funny with a broken nose.....He tried to stand up but Max kicked him back on his ass. Max: "You stay down there while I think......right. I want no more surprises tonight. Before that fucking lap dog shows up I want everyone on the same page. Bring the girls, especially Lucy and I want to know what the fuck happened to my beloved establishment." Max finished off his rum and put the bottle down before heading backstage. Max: "And fix your god damn nose."