[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/fpkngGI.png[/img] [h3][color=Chocolate]~Chieko Okawa~[/color][/h3][/center] Golden Quarter, Center Road, Priestella Deaths: 1 [hr] What should she do? Chieko frowned, watching the Elf that had arrived with another group of humans that were obviously from earth. kidnapped? Well, she supposed that was true. They were just kind of tossed here without any idea what they were supposed to do, and after what happened the first time she was pretty sure it'd be a bad idea to walk around without one of these supposed permits. There were a few options here, but none of them seemed particularly good. Irene and Vasilis saved their lives, right? So they were at least somewhat trustworthy. She found herself scooting a little closer to the two of them. [color=Chocolate]"Is the situation really that bad?"[/color] Chieko frowned. Well, she knew one thing. She was [i]not[/i] cleaning houses. No way in hell was she wearing a maid uniform. Knowing fantasy tropes, that was probably going to be a thing. She didn't know a thing about medicine either so helping at a clinic was a bad idea. Going with Aer seemed like the legal thing to do. And if this miss Pacifica was an adventurer, couldn't she probably teach her how to as well? She seemed capable, almost as capable as Vasilis. Hm. [color=Chocolate]"Uhm..."[/color] Chieko walked over to Aer's group. If a permit was needed, it'd probably be a good idea to go ahead and get one, wouldn't it? This lady and her friend seemed like they knew what they were talking about at least. [color=Chocolate]"I'll go with you."[/color]