[hr][center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/fb17f8a8-b7c6-4b12-bfba-d9bc84684357.jpg[/img][hr] [url=https://youtu.be/MwVLpsgAe8E]Diana’s Theme Wayfaring Stranger[/url][/center][hr] Feeling a bit happier Diana leaned back in her saddle and sang a happy tune ([url=https://youtu.be/tym6YuF9_3M]The Boy From Black Mountain)[/url] [center][b]Boy from Black Mountain rode down from the hills on a black-and-white horse he called Buffalo Bill and he reached out his arms as they galloped up over the moon. The people cheered on as he raced through the trees and he tried to forget it was only a dream as they stood and applauded him, threw him his own big parade. Boy from Black Mountain flew down from a cliff in a hot-air balloon built by Jonathan Swift and he hoisted his flag as he landed down onto the dune…[/b][/center] She sings as she feels lighter at the thought she’ll have a hot shower, something other than pine nuts and squirrel to eat, and clothes not stiff from being washed in a creek. She can’t see the people but her sharp eyes do show her that they have been working the area to clear fields of fire down to the battered road. She sees branches and small trees cut at angles and open areas of prime sunlight and growth empty of all but grass. [center][b] “It ain’t sometimes what you can see but what’s missin” [/b][/center] She heard the chief telling her when they were riding into what he thought was a raider ambush zone; he was using her as bait and a way to draw them out. And here she sat like a lure dangled before a fish. So as she sang she went over how she was presenting herself as bait [u]How do I look[/u][list] [*] Pistol hidden in left rear horse bag [*] Machete in sheath in bed roll behind me [*]Flag fluttering in nice breeze (Hope they see medical person) [*] Bat in back sheath. They shouldn’t see it as a threat with the Infected wandering around; my having it ready should tell them I’m not an idiot [*] Clothing clean and patched, I am observant of hygiene as a Doctor must be; who wants a nasty doc to give them a fever?[/list]