[center] [h2]Mariemaia Dupree[/h2] 03/10/1685 35 years old Mariemaia was the fifth born daughter to a wealthy English couple, and for the majority of her childhood, she was groomed into becoming the perfect wife that her father could marry off. However, as time passed and more of her sisters were being married off and no suitors came forward for Mariemaia, her father became desperate and married her off to the first man who looked her way. She was only seventeen when she married her twenty four year old husband, who owned a company that built houses all over England. Because of his work, Mariemaia was able to travel all across the country and experience things she never would have if she stayed in her small town. But it wasn't all good times since her husband was an angry and dangerous man who drank more than he slept and ended up taking the stress of his work life out on her. She thought about leaving him many times, but unable to go back home to her parents and no other place for her to go, she quickly gave up on that idea and resigned herself to a lifetime of misery. Or, that is, until she and her husband were kidnapped by a gang of pirates during a visit to a port town. The gang threatened to kill Mariemaia unless her husband paid a large amount as ransom. However, not wanting to "waste" the money, he told them to simply kill her. Even for the gang of pirates that was harsh, and the Captain of the ship appeared once word spread across the ship that their plan backfired. It turned out that the captain of the ship was a woman and was disgusted by the treatment Mariemaia received from her husband and offered a way out for her, to join her crew. There was only one condition, however; to become a vampire. Mariemaia was surprised to discover that vampires were real, and that one was trying to save her life, and after a detailed explanation from the captain what vampires were really like, Mariemaia agreed. This was the escape she had always been hoping for, and was willing to face the consequences of turning into a vampire. The captain intended to kill her husband as punishment for his terrible attitude, but Mariemaia couldn't bring herself to stand by and do nothing, and pleaded for his life. The captain was moved by her dedication and agreed to drop him off at the next port, but ended up turning him into a vampire right before, and left him to fend for himself in an unfamiliar town. From then on, Mariemaia became a member of the crew, though she was saved from any hard labor. The captain had taken a liking to her and treated her almost as a daughter. Instead of having her scrub the deck or replace the sails, she brought her into her cabin and overlooked maps with her, teaching her all about sailing and the ocean. Over the next two years she learned alot from the captain, both about how to handle a ship and about life in general. But before she knew it, the lessons had went from easy offhanded comments to explicit instruction. It began to feel like the captain was trying to mold her into her clone, and when Mariemaia finally confronted her about it, the captain revealed the truth. She had infact been shaping Mariemaia to take her place as the ship's captain. [/center]