[center][h2][color=darkolivegreen]Anyon An[/color][color=royalblue]d Mono[/color][/h2][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/1sOp6rT.gif[/img][/center] Unbeknownst to all, deep in the recesses of Anyon’s mind, there was a surprising amount of turmoil within. It wasn’t that of some form of angst or trauma though, but more of the lines of a change in her usual thinking status. Usually, Anyon would be an aggressive talker, casually but unintentionally intimidating others to agreeing with her or simply putting them off all but entirely due to her sheer foul language and crass behavior. Strangely, this time, there was an actual part of her showing active restraint from this typical behavior. A part of her trying to...change, for lack of a better way. This man after all...This group helped make sure Mirt hadn’t gotten killed. Sure, they probably woulda been fine anyway, but who gives a shit? Damage and help was done and it was still appreciated help no matter how one were to look at it. In fact, if one were to best exemplify her thought process at the moment, it could best be described as two physical forms of her opposing feelings. Each one would be known as “Unreasonable” and “Reasonable.” Unreasonable, as expected, is an anger filled, in-your-face, devil-like caricature of Anyon herself, as if looking like all her worse aspects in one concentrated form. Yet, Reasonable is simply a version of Anyon that is clean, a blissful look on her face, and having a strange but relaxing radiance to her. Dare one say, it looks like what would truly expect a holy woman to look like. The two would obviously be at conflict as the woman spoke her words, but they seemed to still be a simple stalemate. Well, they were until Mono opened his mouth back. The second the words registered, Unreasonable proceeded to suplex Reasonable straight into the ground, shattering the poor thing’s spine clean in half. It could just watch as Unreasonable cracked its knuckles, neck, and laughed as it gained back control. Well, at least reasonability was considered for a few seconds, right? [color=darkolivegreen]“What the fuck were the words that just came out of your mouth, you short-stack, cockhead?”[/color] She said as her fists got tighter and her eyes began to glare at Mono from under her hat. The second after he took a step towards her, her neck cranked down as she leveled her head to glare at him even harder, if that was even possible at this point. The seconds she heard the knights approach from behind, her neck snapped over to them at lightning speed. If one were to look at them, it’d be looking at a rage demon from hell’s eyeballs, her irises gleaming [color=darkolivegreen]“I ain’t fighting your fucking boss over some stupid insults, but I got fucking words with him for a moment.”[/color] She growled matter-of-factly. Then her voice went to a gravely deepness that one would be shocked to hear come from a woman’s, let alone a human. It sounded like someone had been munching on gravel and coal their whole life. Her eyes narrowed more. [color=darkolivegreen]“[i]Now, Sit. The Fuck. [b]Back.[/b][/i]” Whatever gentleness was on her voice earlier was obviously gone. The troops simply looked at each other before looking back at the monk. They were not going to force her outside just yet. Her head turned back to meet Mono, still cranked down to meet his eyes evenly. [color=darkolivegreen]“Listen up, you weird-masked, rapist piece of dick cheese.”[/color] Her arms crossed as it seemed very obvious that she was about to verbally fire right back. [color=darkolivegreen]“If you horrible-timed morons hadn’t been so late having your fingers lodged up your ass, busy slamming your heads against trees to see if maybe you it’d somehow make you such a dumbass that’d spin back around to making you smart, or whatever other dumb shenanigans you were up to while we were down here, me and him never would have even [i]needed[/i] to be down here, would we? Let alone having to even have to fucking kill a pack of dumb wolves.”[/color] She proceeded to point at first Mirt, then the wolf carcass without looking at either of them. [color=darkolivegreen]“And you seriously think [i]those[/i] fucking sorry excuses for canine is my level of a [i]suicide[/i]? Let alone one of them?! Fuck you, then that gas-mask must make you more blind and dumb than you already were, which must be some [i]accomplishment[/i] in engineering cause I didn’t think that’d even be possible!”[/color] She roared right at him. Despite her angry words, she wasn’t making any notable vicious movements, like strikes or anything. Though there was plenty times where she raised her hands angrily, as if to see if that would make her volume even louder. Her back suddenly straightened up though as she glared again, keeping her eyes right at the eyeholes where Mono’s eyes most likely were under the mask. [color=darkolivegreen]“For fucks sakes, I’m sure if that group over there didn’t go missing and we didn’t stumble into this shambling ruin of a building, you wouldn’t have even found out where these wolves and those glass shard ball-less trio of bumblefucks even were until a decade from now!? Am I right?!”[/color] She once again brought her neck down as she crossed her arms and glared harder at Mono. Her expression wasn’t just angry, it was downright boiling. [color=darkolivegreen]“Am. I. Fucking. RIGHT?!”[/color] During Anyon's entire tirade, Mono remained motionless. Nothing she said or did caused him to react in any way. The only time he moved his head was to keep his eyes locked on hers. Even when she finished, Mono didn't have anything to add. One of the troops behind her kicked at the back of her knees, and two other knights seized the monk woman's arms. No matter how strong she was, she wouldn't be able to pull free from their hold. But Mono raised his hand. [b][color=royalblue]”Duo, Quad.”[/color][/b] The soldiers stopped. [b][color=royalblue]”No one told me there were others present.”[/color][/b] He raised his fingers, and the troops pulled Anyon to her feet and stepped backwards. [b][color=royalblue]”This other group, what did they look like?”[/color][/b] The troops had her down in moments. However, Anyon, despite the comprimising situation, still gave that ever familiar confidence and seemingly looseness of her body, ready to fight. But she kept her head down for but a moment...until she was released from the others grasp. The second they did, her staff hand made an incredibly fast movement. It wasn't much but a simple tap to the back of the head of the soldier on her left. Not very hard, but definitely something that could easily be felt. And the second they did, she finally rose. Her expression had once again changed, but this time it wasn't anger. It was more accurately a gaze that, too possibly an unkeen outsider, would think it as a simple blank expression. But distinctly, it gave off something raw...hard to truly pinpoint but easy to detect. The air around her seemed to chill itself and it was as if just staring at her face gave that same feeling of a chill, like they had turned into a cold corpse. The stronger willed could probably surpress the feeling. She stared right back into Mono's eyes, her entire back straight as she spoke...far calmer this time. [color=darkolivegreen]"The group I was talking about was the blonde girls with those other knights. The only other group besides them was the group that passed by previously. You read my sentence wrong."[/color] She then looked over towards the 3 knights that had previously subdued her, her eyes narrowing substantially more as she looked at each of them. [color=darkolivegreen]"Your physical takedown training wasn't good."[/color] She said matter-of-a-factly. [color=darkolivegreen]"Those attacks, while not bad, only worked due to speed instead of any actual technique. Your legs themselves were completely vulnerable. One rearrangement of my foot in that second would've resulted in you tripped instead."[/color] She pointed first at the man's heel before pointing towards his neck. [color=darkolivegreen]"A neck chop from me in a specific point near your nape would either paralyze you from the waist down or kill you outright. The accuracy and precision would be a trouble to dodge, and even if you could dodge, you'd be in a position for me to use you as a hostage, if I was that spineless."[/color] She then put her eyes towards the soldiers who grabbed her arms, analyzing just the same. [color=darkolivegreen]"You two did slightly better, using your numbers in an admittedly efficient if simple way. But even then, I still had my staff. A side stab would be easy, would it not? In that split second of pain from you and surprise from the both of you, my left arm would have the movement necessary to do any multitude of actions. Surely if you know anything about martial arts, you know that. And if your friend failed to knee me, you'd have even more actions to worry about."[/color] She finally took those judging eyes off the two of them as she looked back to Mono. However, she had one more sentence. [color=darkolivegreen]"I say that not as a threat, but so you don't do stupid shit. We aren't enemies and fighting you solves nothing, so I refuse to let sloppiness stand by. Now then..."[/color] Her voice and focus was now completely focused upon Mono. Her mouth grimaced far more, looking as if she was about to be sick, thought out of disgust then out of illness. [color=darkolivegreen]"You taught them, right? Is this attitude also a teaching of yours or not?"[/color] It was obvious that she was asking out of a mixture of anger, curiousity, and some, some semblance of hate, though more pity than anything. Her stance was also far more prepared...active. It was hard to tell for others probably as it was an Aier'Sun made stance, one of many. A slightly wide legged posture with the arms seemingly straightened, but truly very loose in movement. The knees had a slight bend that was hard to tell with the robe, and the feet were slightly off the ground, ready to move around if need be. [b][color=royalblue]”Perhaps they let their guard down because they knew that even if you were successful, it wouldn't have made any difference.”[/color][/b] Mono spat out his words like they were bile. [b][color=royalblue]”I think I've allotted all the time I could afford to you. If you don't have anything useful to say, you can piss off.”[/color][/b] The troops moved in closer. They would not back down a second time. Anyon simply glared once again at the man. She could feel the troops get closer towards her. They were seriously willing to lay hands upon her...It seemed like it would be their funeral, brought to them by their own foolish leader. Her grip on her staff was tight, firm, and she already envisioned the spells she already knew she'd have to say to these pieces of shit. At least, until realization finally hit her. One was obvious and fair, but the other was harder to swallow. The obvious fact is that while Mirt was mostly healed, he still probably needed rest to be in any fighting shape. These lot were willing to attack someone they consiered a citizen just because of a few rude words she said, there was no doubt in her mind that they wouldn't hate taking hostages either. That'd be a blow to both their prides and probably a death sentence for her. But more importantly, this masked man...He was powerful, as much as she hated to admit it. At least magically-wise. The troops could be taken care of easily and barely registered as threats in her head. But add them with this guy, let alone facing him alone? No. It was a fool's errand. If she were to die, it wouldn't be due to some troops trying to turn an argument into a battle. This wasn't the time. [color=darkolivegreen]"Seems like I've wasted plenty of my own time here too. Any reward I'd get from you now would make me feel disgusted with myself."[/color] She said with as much venom as Mono gave to her. She gave a hand to Mirt to pick him up from where he was being healed. With him up, she proceeded towards the door. But not before giving one last glare and insult from underneath her hat, simply as a note that she wasn't to be trifled with. [color=darkolivegreen]"You ever wanna back up any of your fucking words, you know where to find me. Otherwise, choke on your own gas smothered dick, got it?"[/color] She said with the iconic deepness of her voice as she left towards the same exit the others had used. The troops had stopped in their tracks and just let Anyon and Mirt leave of their own accord. Mono kept his hands folded behind his back and watched the two leave out of the corner of his visor. Once they were gone, he looked back at the two knights who had arived here first. [b][color=royalblue]”Do either of you have a fucking thing to say for yourselves!?”[/color][/b] [@Zelosse]