[h3]Mannering Family[/h3] [center][url=https://imgbb.com/][img]https://i.ibb.co/VChLsth/king.jpg[/img][/url] Albin Mannering [i]King of Brerra[/i] Age: 43 Bio/Personality: As the king’s viceroy, he held the most prestigious position in the castle, second to being an honorary member of the royal family. He claimed the job at the early age of nineteen by his silver tongue and charisma, making him the youngest ambassador in Brerra’s history. Despite his already impressive achievements, he was an ambitious man who would not not settle for anything less than the most powerful position in the kingdom. Knowing the previous king’s wife was barren and would give him no heirs, Albin plotted to secure the throne for himself when the man died so he could become the next ruler of Brerra. During the winter season of the war, he secured his place. [/center] [center][url=https://ibb.co/mkLXTU][img]https://preview.ibb.co/nRe4a9/medieval_woman_lady_portrait_young_dark_curly_hair_yellow_dress_53632524.jpg[/img][/url] Goldwine Mannering [i]Queen of Brerra[/i] Age: 40 Extra: Albin’s trophy wife. They were married one year after his fling with Crow’s mother. She is a vain and prideful woman who pulls the strings to make sure her three children are given the best lots in life, and she’s willing to go to any means necessary to guarantee their success. [/center] [center][url=https://ibb.co/bGN7v9][img]https://image.ibb.co/d4PboU/Autumn_Spring_Men_Clothing_Dracolite_Viking_tunic_medieval_clothing_for_LARP_costume_and_3.jpg[/img][/url] Braden Mannering [i]Brerratic Prince[/i] Age: 21 Bio/Personality: As the oldest son of Albin and Goldwine, Braden is being groomed to become the next king of Brerra. He’s strong-willed and proud, expecting to have everything he wants in life. Though he is not officially a knight, he serves as a daytime guard in the inner citadel of the kingdom and has built a small network among some of the barons and baronesses. Like his father, he knows the value of having connections in high places and he often uses them for favors, most often to get out of trouble if he’s had too much to drink. [/center] [center][url=https://ibb.co/kqtmoU][img]https://image.ibb.co/h8qXTU/il_fullxfull_566420505_7ydu.jpg[/img][/url] Naida Mannering [i]Brerratic Knight - Princess[/i] Age: 20 Bio/Personality: Of all the Mannering children, Naida is the most hard headed. She inherited her father’s pride and ambition, but both qualities are driven by a rebellious streak that often gets her into trouble. She wants nothing to do with noble life, as she sees most of the traditions and rituals as a waste of time. This is why she became a knight: to forsake the duties of a noblewoman in the stead of fighting for glory. Overall, it’s a world much more suited for her wild antics and free spirit. [/center] [center][url=https://imgbb.com/][img]https://image.ibb.co/n7qMNp/pic_1466228370_45.jpg[/img][/url] Willow Mannering [i]Brerratic Princess[/i] Age: 16 Bio/Personality: Willow is the tamest of the Mannering siblings. She is quiet and reserved, keeping her opinions to herself unless otherwise asked. Because of her beauty and meekness, she already has a number of dukes and lords lined up to court her. She has no interest in seeing a suitor, but has agreed to do so because her mother wants her to marry into another family with power in Brerra in order to merge the two families together. Secret: Willow is asexual [/center]