[h3][Center]~Miren~[/center][/h3] Well today had just been [i]wonderful[/i]. Miren couldn't stand it. The city, that is. The people. The noise. The hustle and bustle of Wanderneir made her ears hurt and body tense. So many people, not like the ruins and old places she usually scurried about in. Not to mention their blatant distrust of magic and otherworldly creatures. Not that she had been on the receiving end of anything - they tried it, they learned quite quickly that her legs were her best asset - but it was still stressful, being among all these people. As soon as she gathered some money, materials, and wrote the last of her findings down she'd leave for another few years or so. "Ooof~" Setting down a pile of books and research materials on a nearby desk, Miren stretched tiredly yawning. "Haa, spending all day writing and reading isn't good." She grabbed one of her feet, pulling it behind her. Perhaps a walk would do her some good. Maybe a evening jog? Would probably do her some good. Ease her mind and nerves a bit too. Perhaps offer some insight into the current problem of locating that old tomb. Walking out of the Inn, Miren gave a brief, if quiet hello to the Innkeeper as she left, the friendly human warning her of night dangers. Haha, she had been in a few fights in her time. A few pixies weren't going to get the best of her - she might be be well versed in magic, but she knew how to not get dead when exploring monster infested ruins so she was confident in handling herself...yet, something caused her to pause. Walking down the street, something became increasingly clear. There were no people around. No Guards, no nothing. It was silent. Far too silent. Silence was just as much of an indicator of danger as too much noise. Stopping in her tracks, the Leveret listened, as she so often did when observing her surroundings. She could hear talking some distance away. Something about magic? And the clamor of metal and what seemed to be mechanical parts. Some sort of machinery? Against better judgement, Miren walked towards the noise. "...Oh goodness." Ducking behind a nearby building, what she saw certainly wasn't what she was expecting. A group of people gathered together, and one even seemed to be using magic! That was certainly not smart to do here. Not at all. And that skeleton soldier! Part of her was terrified simply because of the way he looked, but at the same time she got the distinct feeling she wasn't in any danger from him, immediately. Unsure of what to do, Miren simply watched for now, content to hide herself from the group. Something was about to happen, she didn't know what, but experience told her she shouldn't move around carelessly if she was too stick around.