The silence of space was always awed Lyca T'onis, yet she knew that there was life out there making noise. She just had to find it. The hum of the eezo drive core was comforting, though most people would think it as annoying. But to Lyca it was like music, it ment that she traveling, free from the elders and free to discover life. She had been on many planets some with full life forms that were close to her kind in thinking and technology but were still new to flight let alone space flight. Other worlds she had visited were ones that the only life was the bacteria and small protien organisms. She wasn't sure which was her favourite to study, they both awed her, though she had to usually stay out of the full life forms since they didn't know about space travel and other life beyond their own planet. The elders of her kind hated that she went alone and what they hated more was the discoveries that she made. It ment that they had to back her and fund her for her explorations, she knew they hated having one so young as her flying about with no team, but she liked to work alone. Lyca did a final check on the systems before going to the back of her small ship. It was made of three small parts, the helm, the cabin, and the storage/engine room. The helm and the cabin was were she spent most of her days, the only time she went to the storage/engine room was for checking on her cargo and the engine. As she was replicating food, lights and a high pich warning sound went off. "Goddess!" She breathed as she hushed to the helm and climbed into the captians seat. She was in an asteroid storm, one of the freaks of nature that she barely saw on her voyages. The deflecter shields were keeping most of the debris away but the bigger ones were hitting her ship, the ship was a research vessel not fighter. "Come on baby make it for me. We're almost out." She said under breath as she pulled her ship into some insane maneuvers that put some stress on the ship. Finally she was out of the field, she sat back and closed her eyes and smiled. "To close." She said, she never wanted to go though that again. Suddenly the ship rocked to one side and the high pitch warning sound seemed to take a greater sense of ergency. Lyca looked down at her board and quickly started pressing buttons that would contain the breach, but the damage was done. She knew that she couldn't keep flying like this as her ship would fall apart. She searched her galaxy map for a "safe" place to land, the closest planet was a nearly baron planet. A ping sound told her that her VI program found some form of life on the planet, she didn't have time to analyze the data. SHe had to land her ship. The ship entered the atmosphere in a nearly unsafe speed, "COME ON!" She yelled as she tried to slow the dissent of her craft. The ship hit the ground with a nearly jarring impact. Once the ship slowed to a stop Lyca looked around at her boards and flipped a few switches that turned off the eezo drive core but kept life support on. She noticed then that her VI program analyzed the data and showed her that the life form had a bunker of some sort not three miles away. The information baffelled her, there wasn't any space fairing life out here. So who were these creatures and why hasn't the council known of these creatures. She bit her lip before getting out of the captains seat, once she took note of the damage and her own injuries, she went back up to the helm. "Here goes nothing." She whispered as she pushed a button that would send out a genaric distress signal. She hoped whatever life form was at the bunker was a kind like form.