[@Legion02] A portal appeared eight in front of Ragnagedon. Maniacal laughter was heard from it. The portal released a large black dragon, which laughed with insanity, but not that of the first laughter. Dirka was on his back, standing without issue. [color=#9400D3]"Hello, [i]brother[/i]! Long time, no see!"[/color] Dirka stood in her normal height, but she obviously wasn't happy with this meeting. [color=#9400D3]"Before you try to kill my new fried here, I have the proposition you need to hear! So don't be a flame brain, be instead the listening rain! Ha he he ha hoo!"[/color] The beast underneath her laughed at her mocking rhymes. [b][color=#808080]"Good one Mi'lady! You humble even the most egotistical fools. I, Terzotz, love this! BwaHa ha ha haa!"[/color][/b] [hr] [@Leotamer] (interacting with your dwarf that's outside) Deruga and the mimics were now in a mountain chain not that of the Teeth of Madness. The alien place invigorated him, for few travel outside the high peaks. He, like any caster, loved something unknown, the domain of Sommler. Then he heard humming. His First native! Whipsering he told the mimics, in their animal guises,"Okay, first native. Be quiet and let me handle it." He approached the source of the humming, only to find...a little hairy man? Deruga was adamant in findig the warlock non-the-less. He called a common greeting and yelled "Could you spare a fellow a moment of your time?"