To answer a few questions: 1. WIP stands for Work In Progress, meaning that section of the CS is not yet complete but will be as soon as possible. (I believe Sezir asked this) 2. To answer another of Sezir's questions, it's alright if you haven't played in a while. It's been a while for me as well, so there won't be any problems. 3. For Kacchi's question, I have no problem with you using an original world, and if the character can still work without starting with Cure then it should be be fine. 4. Ren... actually, never mind. I was going to ask you to delete one of your spells, but then I remembered you were going for a Blue Mage type of character, which technically counts as a mage so... yeah, you can keep the two spells. 5. Finally the skills question. Admittedly this one's a little vague, but to put it simply, Skills are going to unique things that characters do that don't fall under Magic or Shotlocks. Things like Ren's Blue Magic, or other Final Fantasy inspired class abilities can go there. So in a nutshell, if it's not a Shotlock or Magic, put it in Skills.