[center][img]http://i1089.photobucket.com/albums/i343/MadeByMaiden/ReduxTag_zps19b042eb.png[/img][/center] [center][img]http://i1089.photobucket.com/albums/i343/MadeByMaiden/RoETag_zps3e994037.png[/img][/center] [b]Rules of The OOC[/b] [indent]1. Abuse of other players will not be tolerated. There is no name-calling, shaming, or intentionally making another player feel bad. We’re here to abuse our [i]characters,[/i] not each other. 2. Spamming of the OOC shall be kept to a minimum. I don’t mind a little bit of chitchat among players, but if I see 24 pages of one-line posts going up overnight I will put on my angry face and ban all posts not related to the roleplay. Don’t make me do it! 3. [b]Player Activity[/b] Players are expected to post IC at least once every two weeks. It is a slow pace so it must be [i]steady[/i] for the game to progress. The post cycle begins and ends with me (Maiden), and I will post once every two weeks on Saturday or Sunday. Players have two weeks from that date to post theirs. If a player misses an IC post cycle, they will get a warning on the OOC. Missing a second post cycle gets them put on an automatic 2 week LOA, and GM will remove their character from play. If the player is still active OOC in this process, the LOA may be modified. If the player is not active OOC, they will recieve a warning PM from me (Maiden) after the second missed post cycle. Failure to respond to this PM within 72 hours will result in automatic ejection from the game. If the player does respond, but does not post within one week of receipt of the message, they will still be ejected. Players who have been ejected from the game may or may not be allowed to reclaim their previous patients. I reserve the right to make you come up with a new one. They also must post at least once every 3 days in the OOC for two weeks before being allowed to rejoin the IC. 4. Your Game Master has the final say in everything, always. I’m generally open to discussion, but I reserve all my rights to do whatever is called for in the defense of the roleplay.[/indent] [b]IC Rules, Regulations and Guidelines[/b] [indent]1. No God-Modding. Everyone seems to have a different idea about what this term means, so I’ll give you my explanation. You may not, in attacking another character, assume that an attack connects unless you receive the specific OOC Okey-Dokey to do so. If your character delivers a complete beating in a single post, allowing the other player only to write reaction shots as their character gets his or her ass handed to them, you’re God-Modding. If your character suddenly has a universe-ender superpower that wasn’t previously mentioned or even hinted at anywhere, you’re God-Modding. If your character knows something that was mentioned only OOC and he or she has no reasonable way of knowing this IC, you’re technically metagaming but we’ll call it God-Modding for Twisted’s purposes. 2. Be mindful of the storyline. Twisted Redux does have an overall plot, and while I’m not talking about it much OOC, it [b]will[/b] develop IC. I find that everyone has more fun if we do most of the plot reveals IC, but it only works if everyone is paying attention. I encourage side storylines but please endeavor to keep them [i]secondary[/i]. 3. Players will play their own NPC nurses on many occasions. My first IC post will contain information about the NPC nurses’ appearance and behavior. Characters’ players are generally the best at hurting their characters, so many times your self-played NPC nurses will be the ones delivering medicines and escorting your character to various places around the Institute. Once the characters are familiar with their surroundings the NPC nurse use should drop off and my PC Nurse, Buck, should be able to handle a bulk of the patients’ needs. 4. [b]Ask questions.[/b] If there’s anything you’re not sure about, or would like clarification on, please do not assume. All you have to do is ask me, and I’ll be more than happy to make sure you’re perfectly clear on whatever issue it is. Don’t do that ‘better to beg forgiveness than ask permission’ crap. I’m ten times more likely to make you delete/change something if you didn’t ask me about it first. 5. HAVE FUN. If you’re not having fun as a player, I’m doing something wrong as a GM. In the instance you are no longer having fun, notify me immediately so I can collaborate with the other players to figure out what’s gone sour. This also applies to situations where you're struggling to come up with usable material. We've all been bl--cked before (knock on wood) and a lot of the time it helps if you get a fresh perspective from someone else. We're a team here at Twisted! Let your teammates help you! 6. I am not a technical or scientific person. Much of our technology at Osmond’s works only because I say it does. I don’t have the brain power to wrap my head around how interdimensional travel or dimensional creation would theoretically work. (Plus, ain’t nobody got time to try to learn that ish.) You’ll find cloning machines, stasis machines, genetic manipulation laboratories, pharmaceutical testing/manufacture facilities, and similar things in Osmond’s Institute. Again, no idea what sort of pseudo-science is behind these things. If you [b]are[/b] one of those technical people who could possibly contribute to scientifically sound reasoning behind Twisted Tech, I would appreciate collaborations and input from you. But don’t just scream that these things shouldn’t work without offering me a better alternative. Please and thanks.[/indent] ** I reserve the right to add/amend the rules as it becomes necessary during the game’s progress. **