[color=#D7D7D7][right][sub][color=#916155][b][h3]Mariah Donald[/h3][/b][/color] [b]Interacting with Jessie Donald[/b][/sub][/right] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/l1yWugz.jpg[/img][/center][hr][hr][indent][indent]It was a toasty Summer's evening on Honeycomb Lane, and Mariah Donald couldn't help but grin as the sun beamed down on her, warming her skin with its rays. See, Mariah loved the great outdoors, no matter the weather. As she sat at one of the long gray tables that were strategically placed around the yard and watched her younger sister play with the neighborhood children, she couldn't help but think back to when she was around that age and would also run around in the sweltering heat without a care in the world. Mariah was about to head over to the small crew when one of the girls exclaimed that Julie's game "sucked," but settled back into her seat when someone who she assumed to be the older brother beat her to it. [color=94a6b1]"Aimee stop being a brat to everyone, or no one will wanna play with you,"[/color] the boy said, and Mariah simply smirked and shook her head. Redirecting her attention to her mother, who stood near the food table lightly tugging on the fabric of her dress, suddenly made Mariah feel slightly uncomfortable in her current getup. Since Loraine Donald had made the comment to the rest of the family about wanting them to dress nicely in order to make a good first impression, Mariah had no choice but to fish out the only dress she owned from the depths of an unpacked box labeled "To Donate." Anyone who knew Mariah knew that she [i]rarely[/i] wore dresses; she much preferred the comfort of her ripped jeans and sneakers. Nonetheless, she knew that her usual ensemble wasn't going to cut it this time, so she opted for the colored [url=https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3871/14561134572_5be815c4d0_o.jpg]garment[/url] and a pair of sandals to match. After tugging at the bottom of the dress for what seemed like the hundredth time, Mariah found herself wishing that she'd worn the jeans instead. Soon, Mariah noticed that a few of her neighbors had begun reaching for the paper plates, so the young woman quickly hopped from her chair and rushed over to do the same. She followed suit as the older gentleman in front of her began to pile his plate high; her stomach growled and her mouth watered as she glanced over each tray, some filled with foods she'd never seen before. [color=0072bc]"You should try my mother in law's dumplings, they are delicious,"[/color] another woman said aloud from the end of the table, and Mariah didn't have to be told twice. Without hesitation, the young woman spooned three dumplings onto her plate. She'd already popped one into her mouth and began chewing as she walked away from the table and towards where her younger brother stood. [color=#916155]"[i]Try her mother in law's dumplings,[/i]"[/color] Mariah said mockingly with a mouth full of food, gently nudging Jessie in his side and chuckling as she did so. [color=#916155]"Really, though. These things are amazing. Too bad she's missing out on them."[/color] As she spoke, Mariah nodded her head in the direction of the woman who'd first mentioned the dumplings; while everyone else had their plates filled to capacity, she'd only covered her plate with just enough salad to satisfy a rabbit's appetite. [color=#916155]"Oh well, more for me."[/color] [/indent][/indent] [/color]