[Center][h2][color=f7941d]Aki[/color][/h2] [img]https://i.imgur.com/SAsfRaI.png[/img] [color=6ecff6]location:[/color] Starting location [@BrokenPromise][@Rune_Alchemist][@Tenma Tendo][/center] Aki gave Irene a big hug before they chit chatted a little about life and all. After they were done the group they had been close to had split up in multiple small groups. Most of them were wearing their new clothes as they fit in way better now in the crowd of people. Irene went her own way as well leaving Aki and Eiko alone once more. Aki turned towards the other girl to hear what she wanted to do now all the nice people left. [center]"Eiko-chan, Eiko-chan! Shall we go with big sis Chieko? She promised to wash my hair after all hehe."[/center] Aki waited for Eiko to reply hopefully agreeing with what Aki had in mind. She either took Eiko her hand to follow after Chieko or parted ways planning to meet later again. Once Aki catched up to Chieko she cheerfully smiled at the girl. [center]"Big sis Chieko! Where are you going? Did you still want to help me with washing? Maybe Eiko wants to be washed too? Oh we can do it later as well if you already have plans!"[/center]