Things had turned into an utter mess for the nameless man. First he was facing down cultist goons and their leader while defending the innkeeper and his family while it was also set on fire. The damage from the fire was bad enough that part of the inn collapsed on him causing him to disengage from the battle and find a way out. While the streets may be literally on fire and filled with cultists, it seems the people he was supposed to be with and fighting moved on without him. He took a breath, and was soon floating in the air to the roof tops. The jumps between the rooftops were effortless and done almost in a gliding manner. It was the best method to get around in this situation as he could cover a lot of ground fairly easily. He had no clue where to go, but he figured now that they were all bound together to fight the cult, it should easy enough to bump into each other. Everywhere there was chaos with the fire and cultists trying to hunt them down in particular. Eventually he eyed something familiar to him, it was the innkeeper and the family currently being held by the cultists. Like raptor that spotted its prey, he took flight once more as he jumped into the air with moon over him. This while dramatic, was also an attempt at sneak attack as he knew light was their blind spot and he figured he'd be invisible with the light of the moon over him. He attack the cultist over head by smashing the staff over his head. He said nothing to the family as he was now concentrated on defeating this cultist and any other that were lurking nearby.