[img]https://i.postimg.cc/FFJN4kJn/20-E5-A64-F-059-C-4-CDD-A17-D-6-DE88-E0-FB56-B.gif[/img] You, the servant of a noble family, find a wounded dog uncounscoius in the yard and ask your Master for permission to take it inside. It soon recovers, but as time passes it also starts showing a strange behavior. Sometimes aggressive, sometimes too sly, it resembles a hellish creature more and more with each passing day, yet the Master has gotten too attached to it to release it. As the creature starts showing a killing instinct you try to decide what to do. Will you defy the Master and kill it? Attempt to tame it? Release it? But as you try to find an answer new questions arise. What is this animal? Where does it come from? Are there more of its kind..? ———— [b]Character roles:[/b] * [b]The Master:[/b] (Only one) Neko-sensei The Master is obeyed by all the servants and the wolf. This is basically a moderator role for the game. * [b]The wolf:[/b] (Only one) Whoever chooses this role will be playing a feral wolf (though maybe in the future it will be able to switch to human), and not a docile one. Loyal to the Master and wary of everyone else, this creature can turn other players into werewolves with a bite and often has murderous intents. This character is the one that will be pushing the plot forward, so the player has to be committed to the game. * [b]The servants:[/b] (Unlimited) Everybody else.