I have a few ideas for things that can happen, mostly on Crow's end but a few that would impact both of our characters 1. (kind of minor) Hazel is going to be experimenting with different medicines on Crow, so they'll be interacting more in secret even though neither one of them wants to be near the other 2. It won't take long before Rikki figures out something's different with Crow now, and she'll confront him about it (I have yet to decide if he'll be honest with her or not though) 3. We could throw in a battle started by the Younisians 4. Skirmish between the knights and thieves over one of the supply wagons they raid that causes a rise in tension between them again, especially with Layth, since he's pretty much the only knight left who still believes they need to stop the thieves 5. Penelope could find out about Crow's illness. I imagine he would pass out in front of her from either overexerting himself in a battle or during another escape from a patrol of knights, kind of like the first time when she twisted her ankle Let me know if you like any of these ^^ I'm also open to other ideas if you have any!