Nice! I definitely think we could figure out how to use most of those cx I'll leave the first two up to you since they just mainly affect Crow of course. Maybe we could combine 5 with either 3 or 4. I could see the Younisians starting a battle after losing their supplies, possibly in an effort to keep their current upper hand, and that's where Crow could pass out again. I also got a small idea from combining 5 and 4 cx So with tensions rising again, the patrols to track down the thieves could increase once more, stirred of course by Layth's insistence. A couple patrols could venture in the right direction of where the thieves are and Penelope would of course get involved to try to help. Crow could be trying to escape from one of the patrols and she happens to be close by. His illness could come into play and she'd help steer the patrol in the wrong direction before doubling back to him to figure out what was wrong and then help him back to camp. I figure she could either trekk out alone in an attempt to warn the group or possibly go on her on 'patrol' with either Olivia or Gavin (as I imagine after a couple days away from her he starts trying to win her back and his attempts will mainly just involve him trying to prove himself as the better option for her) I did have an idea of tying in Lucy but I'm a little iffy about it cx She would have stowed away on one of the supply carts in a crazy attempt to get away from her suitor and get to the battlefront to prove herself. It definitely goes south once the thieves move into attack and steal from the cart but she manages to slip away since she's actually quite skilled at sneaking around. After that she'd realize she doesn't want to fight or go to the battlefront but she also doesn't want to go home so she basically ends up stranded in the outer villages trying to figure out her next move. I imagine she somehow makes it to Myrefall, largely by dumb luck and a lot of wandering in a random direction until she finally reached a town. She'd be struggling to survive, since she's lived a rather sheltered life, and eventually come across Penelope when she's going to meet with Crow and pretty much beg her for help while still refusing to go home. Penelope would eventually cave but since she can't just send her away or take her back to camp, she'd have to turn to Crow to help find a place for Lucy. They'd pretty much be forced into a bit of a babysitting job for a little cx Especially Penelope since I imagine she'd try to check on her often.