[Hider=Jennie] [h1][color=f26522][b]Jennie Hughes[/b][/color][/h1] [img] https://media.giphy.com/media/ABjDfwhCBXHyw/source.gif [/img] [color=f26522][b]Colour code: [/b][/color] f26522 [color=f26522][b]Name:[/b][/color]Jennie Hughes [color=f26522][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Female [color=f26522][b]Age:[/b][/color] 19 [color=f26522][b]Country of Origin:[/b][/color] Ireland/England [color=f26522][color=f26522][b]Bio:[/b][/color][/color] Jennies early life was not unusual, in fact it was one that had been lived by hundreds of other children residing in the chaos that is known as London. The middle child of four, Jennie grew up as the only girl amongst boys – with two older brothers and one younger. Her family had moved from Cork, Ireland when she was only of 5 years of age, hoping for a new life, yet naïve to the poor conditions that were as deeply intrenched in London as they were in their homeland. Her father, like many others, was driven to work in one of the many factories. Her mother however, being one who could read, count and play an instrument, was lucky enough to gain a job as a Governess in a grand house in Surrey. This however took her away from her children, whom were essentially left to raise themselves. Needless to say, Jennies childhood was a chaotic one, where she and her brothers were able to run riot around the city. Despite their poverty, they had clever heads atop their shoulders and would often taken to coming up with schemes to get money or food – whether this be pickpocketing or scamming some rich entrepreneur into taking pity on them. Jennie discovered her abilities at the relatively young age of nine, when while trying to steal a pair of shoes for her youngest brother, accidentally set off an explosion which saw half the shop in tatters, shoes and lace strewn across the cobbled street, and one very confused shop-keeper. For the subsequent few years, Jennie tried to ignore her abilities, though eventually told her brothers of what she could do. Naturally, this only escalated their money-making schemes further and under the guidance of her oldest brother, they begun a series of increasingly escalating crimes. Their mischief, as unsubtle as it was, soon became well-known around London…as well as the coppers. One day, at the age of eighteen, Jennie was out playing with her younger brother Brin, who was 12 years old at that time. Without meaning to, they accidentally strayed into an area that they did not know well and got lost. As it got darker and their chances of getting home lessened, they ran into a drunk, a man who Jennie would later say smelled like 'a hundred pig sties combined with all the sewage in London' . Now Jennie was completely unaware of her appearance, yet she was still seen as bonny by many, and it was clear that this man meant to harm them. In the midst of the struggle and out of sheer panic, Jennie accidentally let off an explosion, the largest she ever had, which subsequently killed both her attacker and her brother. Too scared and guilty to go home, Jennie ran away. She managed to get far, as far as the equally dull and dingy Birmingham infact, until she was caught by the authorities. Later it turned out to be the Queen's Hand who had sought to find her, her abilties (and crimes) having become well known to them. Like many others, they came to an agreement, that her and her brothers misdemeanours would be forgiven if she worked for them. As a young, [i]very[/i] rough around the edges, and relatively new recruit, Jennie has still yet to adapt to life under the Queen's Hand and still often retains the bad habit of getting herself into trouble. [img] https://i.pinimg.com/564x/84/36/2a/84362a9b43dad74a0f0b01f833679428.jpg [/img] [color=f26522][b]Ability:[/b] [/color] [color=f26522][b]'Having a blast' (Explosion manipulation)[/b][/color] Jennie is able to generate and manipulate energy in the form of explosions. These vary in their size and intensity, though presently they are usually quite small and limited in the amount of damage that they would be able to cause (her accidental killing of the drunk was a one time fluke). Since becoming a part of the Queens Hand, she has been learning how to transfer this energy to and subsequently energise objects, in the hope that she will gain more control and precision. This has mostly been confined to a bow and arrow for now. Restrictions: - Far from a precise science, she can sometimes generate explosions when she does not intend to (known triggers include strong emotions) or even fail to produce anything at all. - While she may be able to control the direction and impact of small explosions, larger ones prove more difficult and although she can’t be hurt by them, she has on more than one occasion been knocked to the ground or thrown across a room by their sheer force. - She cannot produce explosions continuously, with each one draining her of energy, eventually requiring time for her to ‘recharge.’ [b][color=f26522]Department:[/color][/b] Operations [/hider] Here's my gal. Let me know if there's any issues.