[color=FFE4B5][h3][u]Hello[/u] [u]Everyone![/u][/h3][/color] [i]So I am Deft. I think of myself as a very chill partner. I enjoy world building, exploring character interactions, developing interesting plots and being overall creative not just throwing words back in a reply. I often do anywhere from 3-6 or more paragraphs. I try to keep my stuff organized and easy to read but I am not nowhere near even being that good of a Roleplayer. I typically opt to play female main characters but also enjoy doing a cast of characters for certain RPs. As a Roleplayer I do not fade to black for really anything, I enjoy violence, horror, drama and all sorts of adult themes in my Roleplays so I ask my partners understand that when contacting me. I like music a lot and would be down with sharing music would be cool. I hope to hear from some good people.[/i] [color=5F9EA0][h2]Fandoms![/h2][/COLOR][list] [*] [s]Naruto[/s] [*] Fullmetal Alchemist [*] [color=DC143C][b][i][u]Pokemon[/u][/i][/b][/color] - Lot of different ideas. Fantasy style, Steampunk-based, School/slice of life style. I really would love to do a Pokemon RP. [*] Soul Eater [*] [b]Grimgar of Fantasy & Ash[/b] [*] Sword Art Online [*] One Punch Man (I haven't read the Manga, my friend is gonna let me borrow it in December I swear.) [*] Teen Titans/Young Avengers/X-Men AU style thing. Something along those lines. [/list] [color=A52A2A][h2]Ideas[/h2][/color][list] [*] [color=98FB98][u][i][b]Post Apocalyptic Sci-Fantasy Wild West[/b][/i][/u][/color] - I have this idea of normal people crawling out of a vault-like bunker and stumbling across an awful wasteland world of strange mutations and strange almost-magic abilities. Swords, anarchy, horses, six shooters and robots. If anyone can take this strange collection of descriptions together and help me make an idea I'd love that. [*] Superheroes - A megacity set in the close future is overrun with powerful criminals who can only be stopped by vigilantes or something. [*] [u][i][b][color=9400D3]VR-MMO RPG [/color][/b][/i][/u]- Something like SaO or Grimgar of Fantasy & Ash or Log Horizon. [/list]