Natalia's mind slowly woke up when she heard someone shouting, her cat ears being sensitive to all things sound...... except for dog whistles...... She just couldn't pick up sounds like those! She sighed and tried to find the source, finding her way into a man' mind by the name of Victor or Velocity, whatever he preferred. [i]Victor, Victor, Victor....... You know shouting at the guards will not help your cause. In your weakened state, they could take you down as if you were a cat with a ball of yarn, distracted by it's amazing...... Beautiful....... Wonderful....... Stupendous...... Damn! Now I'm craving yarn! But that's besides the point! Yelling will not help anything, at all! You're better off just laying low until we can think up a good plan to escape. But right now my body is in sleepy time mode thanks to these stupid freaking drugs so unfortunately I won't be waking up for quite some time....... But when I do, you'll be the first one to know![/i] Natalia said into his mind, her eyes flickering open for a sec before closing again. She could now feel the drug flowing through her veins, and it was starting to freak her out. But she couldn't do anything about it, not even scream, because all of her body was asleep and her body was still functioning to impulses being constantly sent to her brain. And the weird thing was, she hadn't needed to eat or drink all of the time that she was here. She had just laid there, sleeping, and doing absolutely nothing till now. She started to feel sleepy, and a yawn could be heard in Victor's mind, but even when she was asleep there was now a connection between them that could even be broken by death. That's how strong her telepathy was, but even she did not know that herself. She thought of herself as a good villain, but nothing as great as per say the Joker. But little did she know, that to the world, she was a cat demon spawn from hell that was killing those who had done absolutely nothing wrong. But on the contrary, she had actually been killing those that had been involved in the murder of 30 children...... And she had been the only one to survive all those tests. But she had lost everything when she came out of those tests; Her cheery girly personality, her gorgeous red hair, pale skin, green eyes, and freckled rosy red cheeks, her morality, her sanity, her family...... Even her name was changed. She escaped out of pure luck, and was now a monster, one that killed 150 of the workers of the project that made her the thing she was today. Unfortunately they had stopped her before she killed off the rest, locking her up in this jail cell with that terrible guard that had raped her each day for 3 whole years. But today she had had enough, and that's when her body had woken up for a bit. But now her body was unfortunately shutting down again, an she had no idea how to stop that from happening.