[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/319517044364017674/509060751726477313/utnameonly.png[/img][/center] [hr] [i]I am Ut.[/i] And Ut was awake, Ut was alive. Ut formed a body, although nothing very distinct. A base form with tendrils snaking off from the central mass. There was little time for that, something was off, not quite right. Ut realized there were others with them here, speaking even although it took some time to focus away from the off-putting feeling. [i][b]"What's wrong?"[/b][/i] Wrong yes, that fits quite well. What was wrong anyway? Something Ut could feel, and follow, leading away from the conversation of the others. Focusing on the feeling, of bringing it to the fore. There was a difference in it there were two separate feelings here the lesser, an empty feeling, akin to the others already that Ut could see. The greater could wait, it was chaotic and wrong, beyond contemplating for now. Ut formed an orb, as perfect as they could with their own means and made it fit the empty feeling, the lesser wrongness. The orb glowed around where it touched Ut’s tendrils, fading the further from that cradle of Ut’s form. Now, this fits into the other feeling, something not empty but wrong all the same to Ut. They took the orb and pushed, forcing a way towards that remaining feeling. Ut pushed and then ripped with their tendrils, forcing an access to a new realm. A Domain filled with all that was wrong, not ready, chaotic. Ut loved it for it was magic. Leaving the world behind, Ut focused on the edges. Weaving from the most basic and the fringe, it was crude but Ut improved. At first among the chaotic energy of magic that filled this Domain, Ut formed small rocks, then larger more detailed. Moving inward Ut gained more realization of what could be done, rocks became islands. There was less fragmentation, an order was formed but only those islands among the current, anchor points for the flow. Ut focused more, they expanded upon their form, at first crude and basic weavings of one not yet knowing with reason but with energy and purpose into something more. Ut still shared the general shape as before although now the body sat atop the tendrils, manipulators plenty, filled in with vibrant details and a growing pinkish hue. The back had hardened like the anchoring points of rock within the Domain, jutting out beyond the flowing form that was Ut. There was more to be done, for Ut had an idea beyond anchoring and controlling the chaos of magic into something less offensive to them. Ut twirled to the center, forming some islands as necessary but leaving clear a space for their project. They worked, hewing an island, magic in the guise of rock and tunneling through it one way, then another again. Ut sealed, opened and resealed forming a network, a system of movement through the rock. They made chambers with entrances false and real switched again until it was complete. Ut rested in the final chamber, although simple it was vibrant with details of the realm created, and a spot for this core, this orb, to rest. A great citadel, as such could exist in this realm. Ut had hardened and confused strengthened as a defensive structure a crux of the Magical Realm. Where the islands were anchors, this was the point that could hold it all together and bring stability to once chaotic flows of magic. Ut left behind their Citadel and began making their way back to the world and out of their Domain. After all, Ut was not alone.