[quote=Brovo]Oh for fucks sake. I hate that movement. Just do that thing where you like... Stop believing in God and like... Stop giving a shit. The fact that people feel the need to attack other people's belief in a deity is just kind of... Wow, sad, like... We're talking to the level of staring so long into the abyss that you become the abyss level of sad. Consumed by mindless hatred.[/quote] Exactly. Yes I'm atheist, but I really don't give a damn what other people believe as long as they're not trying to force it on me. I understand a lot of atheists are angry, particularly ones who grew up in fundamentalist households, but ridiculing religious people and acting intellectually superior is not going to help the situation. If anything, ridiculing religious people just gives them more fuel for their whole "war on religion" nonsense they like to spew. To give a recent example, there were atheists whining for the removal of a roadside cross at a car accident site. I wish I could find the article again :/. Anyway, that goes too far. There's family mourning ffs.