As two goblins continue to venture deeper into the cave, fear begins to rise in Rizz’s mind. It is only natural for her self-preserve nature to kick in right now, seeing how deep she had ventured in. Before her, a sphere about 3 meters in diameter is all her vision. The rocky surfaces feel alien, lack of any signs of previous settlement. The cave itself is like a new environment, lacking the sense of warmth and safety while having in abundance dangers and dreads lurking around the blind spots. The sound of something chittering beneath send chills along her spine. Is she afraid, Rizz wondered at the image of the female goblin before her, who back continues to stride confidently forward, following something that Rizz couldn’t pick up. Increasing her pace so that the back never left her sight, Rizz instinctively lowering down the sound. Her footsteps carefully placed among the pebbles, afraid of making a sound. The green nostrils flare with minor rise and low, creating these soft and small noise, easily blended to the soft wind coming from the cave entrance. Her forehead, with an eye-catching scar that stretched from her left eyebrow and lost between the hair, dotted with sweat. And although seemingly affected by the constant build up stress and pressure from the environment, Rizz stills show no signs of leaving the goblin before her. Her hands ready for any unexpected situation that may arise. Suddenly, Glimmway stopped, a wall that connected the ceiling and the ground beneath stretches around her and Rizz. It was a dead end, Rizz realized as she looked at the structure. [i]But how come did Glimmway know this was a dead end? Was she hear before? And if she did, when? [/i] Question flies across Rizz’s as approached Glimmway, half-heartedly giving her the grub Rizz held in hand during the journey. She did notice the two rocks that shine at Glimmway’s feet, but something blocked her from taking the white one. Rizz wasn’t brave enough to be the leader. Glimmway was brave and that is what she should get. “ Let’s go,” Rizz muttered while strolling along the path that they have previously taken. Carrying a hint of troublesome on her face, Rizz constantly looking back, checking to see if Glimm is still able to follow her.