[center][h3]T H E C U L T O F U G - Q U A L T O T H [/h3][/center] [hr] [center] [i][b][url=https://i.imgur.com/wpng7D1.jpg] [b]Iron-Jaw[/b][/url] Indianapolis [/b][/i] [/center] [hr] The attack of the Cult, had been like a wave hitting the shore during a storm. It appeared fast, crushing everything in its path, yet now as losing power quickly. With the charge gone and the shock of their attack passed, the lack of numbers and tactic quickly showed. A second wave, planning to assault from a new direction, meanwhile was fighting for dear life in the tunnels, as the mechanic fury of the brotherhood overcame flesh and teeth. In the Chaos, the miasma fueled militants fought with fanatical devotion. When their Cutter-guns ran out of bullets, they stormed into the fight with their blades. Men having lost limbs, roared with laughter as they hacked blindly around them, while others, howling with fury, pulled out bonnets of MFC-grenades from below their armor. [b]"PH´NGLUI SOTH!"[/b]. Gore and shrapnel rained down onto the surrounding combatants, as one particularly brave militant tossed the separated head of a legionary at the arriving knights in power armor. [b]"SHOW ME YOUR FUR..."[/b] His words were cut short, as he disintegrated into dust, before being blown away by the wind. The monolith, the eldritch manifestation of the will of a dreaming god, had burned all fear for death from the Militants minds, yet their bodies still were mere flesh. The wave had hit the beach, its water sinking into the sand. [hr] Iron-Jaw circled his opponent for just a second, before his gigantic riding beast reared up, snarling loudly. [b]"I will build a second skull monolith with the legions SKULLS!"[/b] Then the two were charging at each other, the world around them turning into a chaotic mess. A horse was being mauled to death by a rat, a Bodyguard of Iron-Jaw was wrestling with a Pretorian on the ground, another bodyguard fell from his saddle as a lance had been buried into his chest by a fast rider, who in turn was jumped at by the now master less molerat-mount. It was utter chaos, and Iron-Jaw adored every single glorious detail of the surrounding slaughter. His howl tunred into the growling warcry, as he turned his mouth, stopping the charge, before jumping out of his saddle, leaping onto the horse Wrestling it to the ground, he snapped the beast neck, before stepping back. "Go on beast...feast to your hearts content!" Growling, the molerat climbed over the horse, where Iron-Jaw suspected Vulpes to be helplessly trapped below his own mount. Yet a whimpering scream, and a cut on the head of the molereat clearly showed, that he had been in the wrong. Spitting out, the Warleader pulled out two grim looking blades from his belt. [b]"Should have just remained..."[/b] Doging from a charing Pretorian, who had lost his horse, before ramming his blade below the guard of the helmet. The mask betrayed no emotion, as the red blood of the guard flew down. Tossing the body aside, Iron Jaw spat out again, before licking the blood of the blade. [b]"I will carve out your heart with this very blade later on...Vulpes abandoned Son of Mars!" [/b] [hr] [center][h3]T H E R E P U B L I C [/h3][/center] [hr] [center] [i][b][url=https://www.creativeuncut.com/gallery-30/m2033-bourbon.html] Captain Franklin "Franky" Kowalski [/url] Stonecroft Inn - Lobby [/b][/i] [/center] [hr] It all had happened in mere seconds. An order was an order, and the arrest did not seem so unrealistic, with all the madness that was going on in the IRD at the time. Securing the first floor, the men had taken position, with Kowalski even having been offered a cup of hot coffee, the first hot drink he had in weeks. Neither he, nor his men knew what to make of the situation, yet they all knew General Stone, as a man with a reputation. There could be no doubt about the truth of these allegations...or could it? One of his men, turning on the radio in a seating area, had hoped for some music to lighten up the mood, and Sergant Miller already was making his way to deal with the man, as the News came, hitting the Lobby with more force, then a direct hit with a bomb could cause. For a few seconds, there was not a sound, as Kowalski dropped his coffee. Then his eyes moved onto the nearby policemen. He wanted to see shock on the face, the same helpless fear as he felt inside himself...yet he could see that the policemen knew! [b]"YOU BASTARDS!"[/b] He screamed out in fury, as the two reached for their weapons, yet the soldiers were faster. Firing quickly, before hitting the deck, the men quickly had cleared out the lobby. [b]"Miller! Secure the door! Nobody is entering this building! Shoot, then ask questions.."[/b] Realizing the sound of fire from upstairs, Kowalski quickly rallied a handful of man, before pushing towards the stairwell. [b]"Hold you goddamn fire...[sub] Jackson, give me that cane...yes, that damn towel as well!" [/sub][/b] Waving the makeshift flag, the captain waited for the response, before entering the stairway. It was a risk, yet by now, he simply was to tired to care. Too much betrayal had been in the last week. [b]"I am Captain Kowalski! Former 23th Toledo Rifles, now 3rd Windsor emergency Brigade..."[/b] A sound of steps came in behind, and in a quick turn, Kowalski raised his gun once more, aiming at one of the young troopers that been placed under his command during the long retreat north. Normally, Kowalski did his best to remember the name of all his men, yet the chaos had made it an impossible task. [b]"Sir,HQ its gone! They blew it up.." [/b] The mouth of the captain felt dry, as for just a moment, he turned, facing the wall. His mind, soul and spirit had taken a blow, that this time was close to shattering it. They would lose the city... The decision came, with the grim determination of a man who simply no longer had anything to lose. Turning back to the stairwell, he shouldered his rifle. [b]"We are in this together it take...fuck it! TO HELL WITH IT!"[/b] Glaring at the door, he raised his hand to his head. [b]"I respectfully request permission to attach myself and my men to your commander!" [/b]