[quote=Jorick]Not sure what point Dark Wind was trying to make by bringing up maternity leave, but it's true that there's a huge discrepancy there even when you account for the fact that men don't get pregnant.[/quote] I was trying to get into some things about how there should be more men who also take leave. It would be nice to see men who are married to step up and take leave as well, so it isn't just women taking the hit to their careers. Also, I was trying to eventually get at issues like the second shift where women often work much more than men because they also do the brunt of the housework. [quote=Jorick]The only similar insult for men is dick, so if you buy into the idea of gendered slurs and such (which I don't, as my phrasing should have made clear) there's a pretty clear bias.[/quote] What is your take on gendered slurs, then? I'm interested. Also, what you had to say on including the less than ideal forms of feminism within the movement, I agree. I'm trying to say that while those extremists may call themselves feminists and have a claim to the name, I feel they suck and are damaging what feminism actually stands for. Also, I do not find a problem with challenging the misguided and problematic opinions of those specific groups of pseudo-feminists. My intention is that I'd rather not have people place sweeping and unfair generalizations to what I feel is a great movement. As is any other movement that seeks for other sorts of equality. It makes me angry to see terms such as "feminazi" thrown around so easily. Since when did the slaughtering of millions of people become a joke? It's also extremely offensive to even be compared to the Nazi regime, or have genuine feminists be called that word when they're actually fighting for equality. My frustration is primarily with judging an entire group of people with loud groups of people who do not speak for those who are genuine about what feminism is actually defined as.