[center][b][h1][color=green]Collaboration[/color][/h1][/b][/center][hr][h2] [center]Location: Ashford Institute; Surrounding Forest[/center][/h2][hr][center][h3] Interaction: Angela AKA Zephyr [@RumikoOhara]; Fleur Garner AKA Sparkler or Blondie in this case; Uná O’Brian [@Almalthia] & Nikolai Markov AKA Demo[/h3][/center][hr][center][h3] Mentions: NA[/h3][/center][hr][hr]Angela was relaxing in a low warm cloud drifting along as if she too were no more than water vapor thinking how only a select few could enjoy the Ocean of Sky as she did. Yes that's what she thought for a small passage of time then it returned; the annoying realization that since her father's death she'd been driving herself so hard a novitiate nun was getting more action than she was. She was alone among peers on her crew first and foremost the Boss Lady and second she wasn't even old enough to drink her youngest operator Earl and he was 31. So she lay on her back pulling out her Pad and popping a block of Berry, Berry Big Bubble gum in her mouth as she tapped in Google maps selected satellite A mistress of the Air Angela was more used to the view the map offered and had learned tricks to recognition of ground elements from the air. West of her was the Bayhill Mall one of those lovely huge temple to consumerism that dotted the west coast. Then there was what passed for a local community center that was the city government square; definitely not a place to visit without cause and reward to the north west but to the south was what looked like a small secluded private college campus that turned out to be a private school 6-12 and prep. It was small to be even a powerhouse among the small exclusive private school environment and its lack of foot print in the local scheme of things interesting So steering a course towards Ashford Institute Angela hummed a happy tune till she noted the clouds above the school too thin to conceal her. "Problem?" she thought perhaps two seconds before power diving to tree top level and moving so fast you'd need to be looking up to see her fly silently past. Her stop in flight above one of the Institute's wooded paths was abrupt and gentle the green eye'd Angel touching down so softly only the earth knew she was still actually flying. Silently she walked the path her demeanor not figurative but that of someone who was where she belonged. "People are better at picking up body cues than we wanna believe, Don't wanna get caught then don't act like you're doing anything wrong" She was sure that even if this school had top notch security she could blast off if things got hinky but till then she'd enjoy the since of what it could be like if she'd been born on the right side. "How to play this?" was her primary concern as she enjoyed the rush of potential discovery and flight. Seldom did she give into her spontaneous nature enjoying the safety of well laid plans but this was personal and a girl liked the thrill of danger now and then. So she shifted her stride mimicking a ballerina coupled with the curious fawn so she gave off an air of graceful fragility. She was dressed in her light gray blue skirt , powder gray leggings, and along sleeve skintight light blue Under armor shirt decorated in the cartoon swim animal superhero Wonder Weasel. She was curious as she walked the campus coming out of the woods near Summer's Hall. She stopped and looked at the old red bricked building not hiding her delight as she admired the structure and scanned it for security systems Her trained eye spotted enough to impress her with how good it was laid out. If the security here didn't already have her spotted she's not take any bets on, whether or not they realized she didn't belong or they were feeding her line like a hooked fish she couldn't say and it was a rush that made her sigh. Angel loved the danger of being caught and how powerful her pursuers were unimportant ; if they were slow she could let them dream as she lead them a merry but useless wish. It was fun walking the campus, boys went by her almost running into trees sometimes as they tried to check her out. There were so many boys around had it not been for the sight of girls in the same school colors Angela would have thought she was in a boys school. Then it occurred to her this must be the boys segregated area of the Campus. So not wanting to be interrupted by adults in their chaperone mode the snow white girl walked towards what looked like a pool Angel loved water, water gave her an excuse to dress provocatively, to innocently shock This place was nice and secluded and its prep school covered to mid 20's from what she was seeing as she watched the students. It was a junior college style atmosphere. The kids she'd seen so far told her this was a strange and interesting place; they came from all over spectrum economically and were even international Then there was the secretive way they operated, they were used to .... Fleur / Sparkler A blonde girl who'd forgotten that walking and texting lead to disaster Left or right the paving lead but not straight ahead, there the paving ended at a bench striking her knees , flipping her headfirst into a flower bed behind Angel couldn't help herself and laughed at the preventable accident Fleur heard the laughter and saw the cracked screen of her phone and boiled over "What's so F-ing Funny?" she demanded Bouncing to her feet and turning on a girl dressed a bit trashy "I said WHAT IS SO FUNNY?" Fleur's hands crackled with energy like twin Tesla coils and she advanced threateningly Angla just smiled and blew Fleur a kiss that became a blast of air into a class 5 dust devil the white haired mutant created to punish not harm her attacker Round, and Round Fleur spun eventually screaming at which point she was smoothly spun into a soft grassy bed on the lawn "First violation Blondie; don't attack an unknown foe unless there is no other option" "Second; Never waste time initiating and attack once you have made the decision to attack" Uná had been doing her run after the training room session. She was pretty much on auto pilot and was just looking up at the sky was she saw Fleur flying.[color=green] "I don't know who that was but they're my new friend."[/color] She jogged up just as some very good pointers were given.[color=green] "Uh hello. I haven't seen you around before. I'd remember that hair color."[/color] Angel pivoted on a cute and petite redhead [color=deepskyblue] Oh Hi, I'm a curious visitor, please call me Angel. I know I don't exactly have a pass or anything but seeing as how this is a school of people like me I figured it was cool to drop in and check it out"[/color] She giggled then added [color=deepskyblue]"I assure you I come in peace"[/color] Uná raised an eyebrow and started to wish there was a telepath in the school somewhere. This was just odd. She was pretty sure that they didn't go advertising that they were a school of powered people. She decided to play dumb. Uná smiled and tilted her head in confusion or at least what she thought would be taken as confusion.[color=green] "Angel? Pretty name. But I don't quite understand what you mean by people like you. This isn't an all girls school. It's not just a high school. We have elementary and college here as well. So I'm really lost right now."[/color] Uná pouted cutely. She knew that it was over the top but most of the time male or female thought of her as younger than her almost 16...till they looked at her body then they rapidly up her age in their estimation. But she'd learned that as long as she played stupid and cute then people took it for granted that she wasn't just pretty. [color=deepskyblue]"Glad you like the name, may I have yours"[/color] she said as the air around them began to turn gently counterclockwise [color=deepskyblue]"The last girl as a static generator type, pretty good power wise but lacking in application of skill, Me I go by Zephyr and I'm an Air Elementalist. We shouldn't keep secrets so early in our friendship"[/color] Her voice was soft and held a giggle beneath the surface as she lifted off the ground and drifted closer to Una her feet 6 inches off the paving Uná realized that Angel would keep pressing if she didn't give her a name. Possibly. Something was odd about the girl besides that she was a mutant that knew the location of the institute but wasn't a student.[color=green] "How fast can you fly or do you just hover?"[/color] Fleur had already screwed up by showing off her powers to this girl. Uná wasn't about to make it worse. Fleur was a coward so there was no real help there all Uná had to do was wait till security got notified or someone with better powers came along...which was pretty much anyone. [color=deepskyblue]"Can I fly? She asks; can I fly?"[/color] giggles Angel in a laughing cockney accent as she flys sideways around Una [color=deepskyblue]"I am the soul of flight, I am the cause of flight. I am Air, I am the wind itself"[/color] Then she stops right before Una with a pout [color=deepskyblue]"And still no name from she with eyes like the sky and hair like the corona of our sun. I gave her both my names and she thinks I'm here to harm her"[/color] The air around them is still but 15 feet away it blows in a slow turning circle as between them forms a ropey misty column of twisting air that climbs high over their heads. Angel's eyes were now in active scan mode as she surveyed her surroundings knowing her resent fight and enclosure of the Redhead in her forming power was surely making the protective powers around her nervous She didn't want these people as enemies but she was so curious She didn't want these people as enemies but she was so curious She was also bored and lonely and while she didn't hate mundanes she found them tedious and slow; like she was talking to a pet Uná laughed.[color=green] "Give my name to a trespasser? Who knows what this school is. Now why would I do that Zephyr? Sometimes I'm called Sprite, Pixie or Fairy among other things. You can pick one. So why are you here?"[/color] Uná looked curious and still a bit suspicious but not as much. Because she was bored she craved a little excitement and Missy Red was beginning to look like a lot of fun so Angel glowed with excitement thinking about it. If this was as she now assumed an actual Mutant school then she was either meeting its low ranks, maybe freshmen types. Red wasn't acting with the confidence of someone who held great power or the skill of power use in combat. Sure Red would be pissed but once people got it through their heads Angel wasn't going to drop them they settled down and actually enjoyed the unusual method of transport things got easy So looking at the Lolly who was stalling till she got some support Angie giggled saying [color=deepskyblue]"If I were here as an attack I would already be in action, not trying to chat up a sweet redhead with adorable freckles. My arrival here a happy accident"[/color] Angies pout becomes more honest as she drifts back about 4 feet [color=deepskyblue] "Can't I appeal to your logic? I am not here to steal, I am not here to hurt anyone and Blondie was asking for it From what I've seen this place doesn't even register as a target of high monetary value but if I am right it is a school for people like me. I don't need any schooling, the only other mutants I know 15 to 30 years older than I. I want and need peers and you're one of the first I've ever met so if it isn't too much trouble May I take this someplace not so exposed....I promise you'll not come to harm"[/color] The air around the two girls begins it final conversion from stable rotating air to a micro class 5 tornado The landscaping was stirred and rattled as if a silent helicopter just lifted off as they flew at over 250 mph straight up and punching the belly of a cloud about 2,400 feet above the school Nik wandered outside headphones on as a film podcast played. A few critics were discussing the climax of disaster movies, and the ways in which explosions were used to resolve natural disasters. He listened to this episode dozens of times since the discovery of his powers. It made him feel needed, in a somewhat childish way. His eyes lifted to see someone... new. Someone he hasn’t seen in classes or anything. More importantly, a whirlwind was picking up. Nik reached into his pocket, pulling out his bag of marbles. He gave a sigh, reaching his hand in and swirling his fingers around the marbles. They began glowing, before the bag itself began as well. Nik’s legs sped across the ground, as Nik’s arm cocked back. He had seen this in a movie once. It had to work. The wind whipped debris in his face, but Nik lifted his left hand to block it so he could get a good look. His arm rocketed the pouch towards the tornado as the mutant leaped into the throw to give it more momentum before falling to the ground. As the pouch penetrated into the tornado, Nik looked up, snapping his fingers to detonate the explosion in a manner similar in his mind to Sharknado. Detonation and the Redhead was close to her, raw power. In the end it was power enough to disrupt Angel's control of the vortex as she saved Red from harm their bodies too close except for a fool to try another energy blast unless they didn't care about Red. It had taken all her power to create a pressure channel for the blast to see as the path of least resistance. The two girls fell but in an arc away from campus landing on a cushion of air hollywood would kill for. [color=deepskyblue]"Wow someone sure used a sledge hammer Red"[/color] she asked as she checked the other girl for so much as a scratch. Angie reached in her pocket and pulled out a nice cell phone tapped a combination that destroyed the phone history leaving only three contact numbers . [color=deepskyblue]"I'm really sorry Red I just wanted to talk but your friends play hardball from the getgo and I can't assure your safety"[/color] Nik watched the two arc away, recognizing briefly a glint of red hair. The explosion was perfect, and the velocity of the two suggested they would have been hundreds of feet away from the explosion before it could go off. But the circumstances must have shifted. The only thing he could do was run in the direction he saw the two rush towards. The air around Uná and Zephyr had started to pick up and Uná was getting concerned about that. Just as she was about to leave Zephyr launched them both into the air. In a tornado! Then things got rocky as explosions detonated all around then. It flung them to and fro but Uná managed to set up invisible shields around them so that the shrapnel from the metal marbles didn't hit either of them. It was self preservation to keep Zephyr from getting hit. Uná had no experience with using her power in a free fall situation or under an insane amount of stress. And free falling from cloud height would count as an insane amount of stress. She made a mental note to make sure that her sessions included more stressful situations so that she could practice. Apparently Nikolai had seen what was happening and stepped in, unfortunately a little to late but at least someone besides Fleur knew what was going on. Zephyr set them down on a cushion of air nicely. She really did seem to just want to talk although why it had to be away from campus Uná didn't know. She'd just been getting to the point where she was going to just chill and talk to Zephyr and then was abducted. Granted she was unhurt but abducting someone to chat was going a bit far. Uná raised an eyebrow and tapped her foot watching her on her phone. That reminded Uná that she still had her phone in her pocket since it had her spotify app on it and was currently cranking out Warning by Incubus. She grabbed it and turned the volume almost all the way down. Then turned off spotify and flicked open her contacts and clicked on Demo and called him. Putting the phone back in her pocket she let it ring. It was either going to voicemail or he was going too pick up either way he'd have at least part of the conversation. [color=green] "My friends play hardball because they probably didn't realize I was in the vortex. Nice by the way. That would be Demo. Demo and I are...well we're close. He probably couldn't see me or you in the vortex and saw it as an opportunity to do something pretty awesome with explosives. I know it would have been tempting for me if I had his powers. It was pretty awesome to see. Although I'd have appreciated it more if I'd have been farther away from the display. And yeah I have to hand it to ya the whole Air Bender stuff is pretty awesome. Definitely gives a great meaning to 'as the crow flies' for measuring distance. And I can imagine that little Miss Blondie deserved everything she got. I'm feeling magnanimous what's on your mind, Zeph?"[/color] Uná looked around. They were definitely not on campus anymore. She sat down on the ground Indian style and waited for Zephyr to answer. Angie regarded Red for a moment after the freckled cutie had called her an airbender her moss green eyes scaning her for trouble and had a nice little file at this point. Shields, I know that wasn't all me back there. Normal fear of falling, Precocious, a blossoming power, someone her equal [color=deepskyblue]"Please call me Angel, or Angie"[/color] Angie assumes the lotus seat about 8 inches off the ground all lose material blown gently from beneath her ; she holds out the phone she just burned. [color=deepskyblue]"Well Red don't know how long we have before the Calvary slash head-bashing party arrives. I've set it to three numbers I can be reached by and an encryption system on board please feel free to track; love to know if they are downing their jobs. Well Demo does pack a punch needs more focus....power without focus is sliding naked on ice."[/color] Angie giggles for dual purpose; first is the image that passes through her mind when she remembers the quote. For her the jury was still out on that one. Her second reason is to send out air currents to act like sonar to screen 50 meters out for sneaks. [color=deepskyblue]"Airbenders bend that already there like all the other benders; I am a source of creation. I can fill an enclosed airtight space up to and if I don't mind straining past 20 atmospheres. Believe me it'll make your ears pop. What is on my mind is personal for someone who won't even give me her first name but I will grant the obvious; I don't have any peers my age. I am a mutant, you are a mutant, Demo is a Mutant, and likely that whole school"[/color] Nik stopped, panting hard as he felt a vibration in his back pocket. He slid out his phone, checking the screen. He stood there dumbfounded for a moment before flicking his finger upon the screen and lifting the phone to his ear. He heard Un'a voice... but she wasn't talking to him. She was pulling a trick straight out of a spy film. Nik slid the phone into his pocket, pressing the mute button and plugging in his ear buds in quickly to let him listen in on the conversation. He continued speeding in their direction, the reaching into his left pocket to pull out a few marbles. The strange speaking patterns concerned him... and what Una said about him had forced a small smile as Nik rushed into danger yet again. Uná sighed and rolled her eyes.[color=green] "Alright alright. Uná. And where in the world are we? Are you giving me a phone to get in contact with you? You do realize that they probably will track you down. Anyways you keep talking about peers. There are plenty of people our age around here. Possibly even smart ones. You don't have to take off with someone to get them to talk to you. See we're talking and its fine. We could have talked on campus. Or gone out to get coffee or something. Tell me you don't do the snatching thing often."[/color] Uná smiled and talked animatedly with her hands. [color=deepskyblue]"Uuu nA"[/color] says Angel her smile bright as she stretches her new friend's name [color=deepskyblue]"Its so original, well at least for me...Una"[/color] Uná shrugs.[color=green] "Eh I've had it most my life so it's not so original for me."[/color] Uná really wanted to look down at her phone and see if Nikolai had picked up. She didn't dare to though not and draw attention to it. She looked around wondering where in the world they had landed.[color=green] "Hey are we near the Hollywood sign? I've always wanted to go there!!" [/color] [color=deepskyblue]"It's a bit away and I already have thumped the dragon but next time we can go see the Hollywood sign day or night. I'd love if when your friends show up you explain I'm not holding you, I even left you the things in your pockets. I took you the way I did because I wanted to make it fun. I look at how we came here as if I'd taken your hand and tried to playfully pull you off to the bushes. Trouble is your boo trying to protect you shoved us down a hill. Now we're waiting on the Knight and I the Witch will have to vanish...I wouldn't dream of hurting your boo"[/color] Uná narrowed her eyes at Angie.[color=green] "I appreciate you not hurting Demo and allowing me to keep my things you're making me sound like some helpless Disney Princess. I am far from helpless."[/color] Uná's temper flared and was reflected in her eyes that burned like blue fire. [color=deepskyblue] "You'd be Princess Merida of DunBroch, red hair, fiery temper...fits but then that would make me Mor'du the Cursed"[/color] then she hums a few bars of Touch the Sky. Uná snorts.[color=green] "The idiot teenager that turned her mother and brother's into bears? How is that any better? And had to have their help to end the curse that she placed on them in the first place? Granted she's better than Ariel who's an empty headed dink. Oh and lets not mention Anna from Frozen since she was ready to marry the first guy to show any interest in her. It was pathetic. He let her do all the talking and just agreed to get her to be accommodating."[/color] Uná stands up and paces gesturing wildly making her statements. Nik slowed down, Una’s voice carrying in the environment. He kept one earbud in as he approached, his steps inching forward as he was within 50 meters, two marbles twirling in each hand. He wanted to get a view of the scene before launching into an attack. He did smile a little at the ensuing conversation, his eyes squinting at the language being used. [color=green] "You don't even want my opinion on Stockholm bestiality freak or the mentally abused shut in."[/color] Uná was on a roll and wasn't stopping.[color=green] "And this is what they feed to little girls then complain that they are unrealistic in their ideals of romance when they get older. Do you know how frustrating it is looking for that guy that measures up to those ideals!!! Well let me tell you what I look for in a guy!!! Honesty. Integrity. Loyalty. Funny. Athletic. Attractive, although my version and your version probably are different. Dark hair a little on the long side, light eyes, angular features. Quick to smile and laugh. Attentive. Cuddles. Assertive. A little bit arrogant. That's healthy. Compromises. Gentlemanly. Knows me better than I know myself...and...and..."[/color] She trailed off. She had just described Nikolai. He probably didn't see himself that way and maybe he wasn't listening. He hadn't been before from what Uná could tell. Angie's eyes light up hearing Una talk about love. [color=deepskyblue]"And how I like to be touched?[/color] says wit a giggle finishing Una's thought with her own flair. [color=deepskyblue]"I hope you are being cautious and have had a study done to check that your Birth-control still actually works or be ready to be called mommy. Most mutant females can't depend on implants, or pills because they don't work in our body chemistry; its why I'm steering clear of guys for a bit. [/color] Uná gaped at Angie and blushed bright red.[color=green] "I don't have a reason to be on Birth Control!! I haven't done anything like that. My parents would kill me!! Besides I want to be in love and have that love returned before I do anything like that!! But I guess biologically speaking that would make sense. Geeze that's a lot of information to drop on someone..."[/color] [color=deepskyblue]"My dad sprang that on me when I was 14 and he wanted to scare me from boys and it worked; I had the tests done on my own and he was right.[/color] pauses looking over Una's shoulder [color=deepskyblue]"Not many flyers at your school i take it?"[/color] Uná shrugged.[color=green] "More like not many people saw that take off. Demo and Blondie might have been the only ones."[/color] Uná bit her lip and looked around.[color=green] "As much as Blondie and I don't see eye to eye you didn't hurt her did you? No one should hurt another if there is another solution."[/color] Nik stopped in shock momentarily, then only about 30 yards away but just out of sight, his head tilting at the development of the conversation. Perhaps this individual wasn't harmful or a threat... they just didn't act like everyone else. One of his friends as a kid had been similar. Never knew what to say at the right times. Unable to pick up on those social cues. It wasn't his fault... it's just how he was born... But kidnapping... it didn't matter who was responsible for that. Despite Una's cautionary words, Nik pressed on with marbles in hand. He was just about to come into eyesight, his eyes practically brimming with a quiet anger. No one puts his friends in danger... well, except himself. Angie sighs [color=deepskyblue]"No Profit in hurting her, she wasn't a rival and she was clumsy meaning she was a 1st grader swinging on a MMA champ......[/color] Large obstruction, mobile fitting a male body form 20 meters in her sensor ring of air currents that stretched out 50 meters from her body. [color=deepskyblue]"Better and better; your ride is here"[/color] Uná looked around. As much as Angie had done wrong she wasn't out to hurt her. Things were misconstrued. Angie had a different way of looking at things and hearing difference of opinions helped broaden minds. Sifting through the differences in speech the underlying reasoning wasn't bad. Nik finally approached, appearing not so far away with the marbles still twirling along his finger tips. He gave a raised eyebrow towards the two as his shoulders stiffened with his walk. His muscles were tensing up, ready to act whenever it was necessary. He was on edge, as he knew he was outmatched. But he'd be damned if he didn't go out without a fight if it came to it. [color=deepskyblue]"I never hurt people intentionally but when I act I also don't have their best interest at heart, victory or escape doesn't count the cost but does penalize hesitation..[/color] she was saying till he showed himself. [color=deepskyblue]"He's a good looking boy and brave to boot, is he the perfect man you want Una?"[/color] she says cheerfully as the trees around them confirm the message of their flesh; the air in the clearing is increasing speed and when their ears pop in pressure. [color=deepskyblue]"Hello pretty man, if you don't attack me I won't attack you. I draw no pleasure out of breaking bone but Una is the only one who I have guaranteed will come to no harm"[/color] Nik gave a slightly raised eyebrow, placing the marbles back into his pocket before sliding his hands into his back pockets, seeming to take a surprisingly relaxed posture as a somewhat dumb grin spread across his lips. [color=red]"What we have here is a failure to communicate... looked like you were causing harm on our campus and kidnapping a friend of mine. Those wind speeds could have hurt someone, including my friend. So you're either delusional or a liar."[/color] He planted his feet so his left side faced them, looking out at the surroundings for a moment. The arrogance seemed to reek from his voice... but with a slight undertone of a threat readily apparent. Uná looked back and forth between the two. She knew that Nikolai wasn't pleased. Hopefully they could all get through this without a punch thrown or a bone broken. But Nikolai had a point, although calling her a friend kind of chaffed. But that's a conversation for a different time. Angie grinned at Nik her eyes glittering with amusement [color=deepskyblue]"I don't lie without profit as for my own instabilities that is a matter of opinion. Blondie came at me hands a blazing so she deserved it and while I technically kidnapped Una I just wanted to talk. Blame me, blame my crappy family life, blame the government, I don't really care I do things the way I want to. I took Una hoping to make our meeting more memorable, more exciting and if we are on the same page then to make you realize you don't leave pretty things hanging around for a Birdie to spot and take....Silly Boy"[/color] On the ground between Nik and Angie forms a 5 foot tall ...grassdevil making a weedeater type of sound [color=deepskyblue]"Now this is dangerous, the edges of grass blades are serrated and can make nasty paper cuts. Una was in no danger at all till somebody tried to blow us up"[/color] Nil grit his teeth. She was right, if only technically. The sign of aggression she showed would have been enough to warrant a fight... but having Una there tempered his anger. He couldn’t get someone else hurt. So he didn’t bother flinching. [color=red]”Cool magic trick. But I’d suggest getting out of here before the school finds out you’re here. You’re a padawan compared to some of the folks we have.”[/color] He felt anxious the longer he was around this person. Uncertainty was never pleasant in these sorts of situations. [color=deepskyblue]"Don't sweat the small stuff"[/color] the grassdevil blows harmlessly apart [color=deepskyblue]"Just relax and let it happen Tiger and Una you sweet girl see ya laters"[/color] then she blasts off soon traveling at over 400 mph just above the treetops Nik fell over at the sheer force of the wind used to launch off. While lying on his back, he just looked into the sky. There were Mutants much more powerful than he was out there... and most of the people he knew were more powerful than him. Una... her powers dwarfed his to a near infinite degree. And that realization of his inferior nature... it was humbling. So he looked up into the sky before shutting his eyelids for now. He had other things he needed to focus on, but for just a moment... he needed the silence and calm. Uná threw up her hands to cover her face as Angie conjured the mini tornado. If her eyes had been open she'd have rolled them at Angie's comment on Nikolai endangering her. That was going overboard. Uná heard Nikolai's comment and smirked. Uná opened her eyes as the wind blew out. She moved to Nikolai as Angie took off. She was too late now to block the wind from knocking them both over but she could cushion their fall. Quickly she envisioned a mattress as they fell. She was blown deeper into the illusion than she anticipated and had to scramble to get out of it.[color=green] "Ack. Oh for Pete's sake."[/color] Uná whispered then sighed and flopped down. Nik gave a look over towards Una as he focused in on his breathing, before looking back up towards the sky. [color=red]"So... we're close, huh?"[/color] The tone in which he stated Una's words... it was almost as if he was just talking to himself. He left his words to hang there, before his eyes closed once again to continue the process of regulating his breathing back down after the jog over. Uná blushed deeply.[color=green] "It sounded correct to me. Still does. If you object to the phrasing you can come up with a different word, err phrase. I'm open to suggestions."[/color] Uná was picking at nonexistent lint on her yoga pants. He shrugged while lying there, his eyes still closed. [color=red]”It’s fine. I never really thought about it like that. Been struggling to keep up in class, and you and Nathan have spent a lot of time together since day one, so...”[/color] Perhaps it was the post-adrenaline high, or just a moment of peace... but Nik didn’t care. He hasn’t truly opened up to Una at this point, reserving most of those brief reveals for Drake when he wasn’t spending the night in the female dorm. [color=red]”Just wasn’t sure if we were close. Always hard to tell wh...”[/color] He trailed off, almost as if dozing off into a nap. Uná looked over at Nikolai thinking he might have gone to sleep. The afternoon sun was warm and lazy so she yawned and stretched out on the ridiculously soft mattress. She knew it was an adrenaline crash that was drugging Nikolai and she decided that if he was going to nap she'd stay with him. Buddy system and all that jazz. If Nikolai was napping she'd be able to ogle him without feeling guilty about it. Uná rolled onto her side which brought her closer to Nikolai.[color=green] "Nikki are you asleep?"[/color] She whispered. Nik didn't respond, his breathing slowing down as he was beginning to normalize from the action. His eyes remained clothes and he turned his head slightly, it rolling into a slightly more relaxed position. It appeared that he was asleep, though he was honestly caught up in his own mind. It wandered through thoughts of home, his friends back there, his new friends here, and the dangers that they could face if they ever got proper assignments. Uná sighed softly and curled up along side Nikolai. Uná reached out and curled a hand in Nikolai's shirt making sure that if he went any where she'd know. It didn't take long for Uná to fall asleep with the sun warm and the wildlife that got used to them being there. Luckily they weren't directly in sunlight so she wouldn't burn. As Uná's sleep deepened she relaxed her hold on Nikolai but curled into him, his name a soft sigh and a slight smile. Nik opened his eyes as Una settled in, clearly resting in for a nap. He didn’t want to disturb her, closing his eyes once again and shifting slightly to rest his hand on hers as he shifted his left hand down to end the phone call and continue his podcast.