[@RomanAria] Well the dude literally called me a statist in a nation states game. So thats a bad sign for his ability to use logic. He was basically throwing his weight around as GM and the thing is, i too am a GM (I've run 3 games on Roll20) so how long do you think im just gonna put up with that? He was expecting me to be a brown-noser in exchange for getting to play my facist nation however im not a facist so i don't really have any emotional needs to play them. If i was to brown-nose for the chance to play them then i guess that'd mean i was a [u]real[/u] facist!? What im trying to say is im a pretty good person and i don't need to brown-nose or put up with people throwing their weight around in order to still be a good person. My faction is basically an evil human faction. So don't expect them to be comfortable to watch. You can even make them the big-bad of the local system and id be totally down with that. I'll jump into discord later maybe, i have to go to work now.