[@Raijinslayer] Alright, I've had time to look at the form now, and I have a few critiques. [quote] Scarlet(or Asura) God Slayer [/quote] All slayer magics are elemental. Scarlet's not really an element, so that wouldn't precisely work out. [quote] This leads to it being able good at not only tearing through most defenses, as each attack weakens the structural integrity of the target and thus that much easier to break down, but it also means that it can interact with other magic as well, breaking down the inner formulas and structures that hold every spell together. [/quote] This is fundamentally broken. It's Gildart's Crash, but a God Slayer magic capable of being thrown around with bellow and blasts. Crash is already an insanely overpowered magic, so I personally feel that this magic is too much. [quote] If he were to ever focus more on his skill as a slayer, however, it is possible that he could refine the transference of energy in the future to make it a more viable means of regaining magical power akin to that of other slayers, if not better given the lack of restriction. [/quote] In essence, by the time we hit Page 100 in the RP, we will have a self-healing Gildarts. O_O I do think necessary revisions should be made in order for this to suffice in the RP. Certainly other characters do have their issues in terms of balance, but this seems a bit over the bar I'd set for right now. I will accept a strong case for your magic as well, but after several read throughs, I don't see any way that this Magic is [i]not[/i] a shade OP. [hr] [@Crimson Raven] Thank you for your concern and input, but could you lay off a bit on the character critiquing? Thanks.