Continuing to pound against the walls of his cell Victor thought back to the incident that had lead to him being incarcerated in this tomb. Young Victor Slate, fresh out of the military was expecting a hero's greeting from his sister, the optimistic all-american lad who had shipped away returned a grizzled anarchist with unimaginable powers. However as he stepped off the plane there was no one to greet him, not a single family member to welcome their lost son home. Travelling to where Alice used to live he found new tenants living in the house that gave him a note from his sister. 'Victor, you're too dangerous to be around now, your powers could threaten my privacy and the life of your newborn nephew Jonathan, I'll tell him his uncle was a hero. Please try and make something of yourself - Alice.' The letter destroyed Victor, he had gone to the military to help his sister stay afloat and now it was all in vain, well now Victor was looking out for himself. Victor began to abuse his powers using them to tear open bank vaults as if they were paper, getting stronger with every bullet fired at him. Victor would blow most of his earnings in underground games of high stakes poker with other criminals however he would always send a small part of his earnings to his sister's account despite all the conflict between them. Eventually one heist went down under when the police sedated him using a gas based anesthetic when victor came back around he was being carted into his cell, and so began a week long conflict with several casualties all in the name of getting Victor into his cell. Slowing his pounding on the walls Victor heard an unfamiliar voice within his head. The power dampeners must be down was Victor's first thought, not that it would help as the very material Victor's cell was made from negated his powers. 'Just because I'm weakened doesn't mean I couldn't take half of these folks on...You have a thing for yarn don't you? Why can't anyone just be sane anymore?... As for an escape now you're talking my language, I just need someone to open the door of my cell from the other side and this place will be rubble... They've got you on the meds too huh...Well sweet dreams I guess...' Victor felt strange having a telepath in his head but it was the first conversation he'd had in some time.