[quote=@Ophidian] Some tentative interest here. I've been really trying to break into group roleplays for awhile now-I've honed my skills in partnerships and all of that, but it's been a bit since I've shaken off the rust and leapt into a group venture. It's a shame, because group stuff is how I got my start. I'm curious however, how much leave are we given to world build? Right now I've got a bit of a concept of a foreign merchant princeling (not...actual royalty, but hailing from a nation where royalty is something of a concept that's up for grabs. Have a manor? Have money? Or simply have enough scary men with swords? Congratulations. You're a prince now!) out to make a profit, at first. Maybe pick up some lore while he's at it. Add it his ever-growing collection of curiosities. The works. Basically, someone with no initial investment in revolution/revolt, but gradually finds himself drawn to oppose the crown, despite his the risks it poses to his operations. Now, if worldbuilding isn't allowed on the part of players-I found no references in the rules, so I'm not sure-then this won't work clearly. So I'm asking if the above concept sounds workable before I go to the effort of drawing up a character sheet. [/quote] Glad to have you join us. World building is ok as long as it’s worked out with Kitty and I. As he is a foreign, its a little more lax on rules. Just know it’s a fantasy setting (very basic) but all fantasy races are super rare to see and are thought to be stories. Magic is apart of it but it’s complicated, Kitty will explain that. It’s a more realistic approach to fantasy. Anywhos we can have your character from the east (outside the map) can boarder The eastern most city on the map. I was kinda hoping for a more Asian like race to the east, but I’m flexible. I kinda want to hear more about the idea you had about the government. But post up a character if you got something