[center][img]https://image.ibb.co/kdwS7T/chie_titlecard_b.png[/img][/center][hr][indent][b][color=808080]“Tsk, you gotta do better if you wanna stop me, SHIELDY!”[/color][/b] Chie yelled -- no, howled -- as she plunged through the still-forming tower. The dark-haired magical girl smashed against rock and vines, not even trying -- or being actually able to -- dodge Soma’s spear as it tore away at her, ripping a sizeable hole on her torso as well as taking one of Chie’s eyes with it. Once Chie finally made it to the ground with a mighty crash, the light magical girls around her would be treated to an interesting sight. Despite her grievous wounds, not a single drop of blood or even gore came out of Chie. Instead of it, a mass of stringy-like darkness poured from her wounds, not unlike the very own nightmares that they fought. However, even more inhuman than that was her [url=https://data.whicdn.com/images/232488342/original.gif]maddening grin[/url], like endless rows of toothy fangs, smiling right at the weakened Soma. [b][color=808080]“Get yourself together, Shieldy, I haven’t finished with you yet!”[/color][/b] Chie(?) howled in a savage voice as she swung her spear in a wide arc intent on smashing Soma like a baseball, throwing the light magical girl against the sturdy walls that she was so proud of.[/indent][hr]