Kaito, at the epicenter of this quickly deteriorating situation, had fallen numb. Afraid to rise or sink to his knees, voice failing him and the music all but gone. The flute in his hands shook ever so slightly as his mind raced for an idea. Anything at all. Options seemed to be fight and lose or flee and abandon dignity. A hero would never flee in disgrace or fear so neitherbwpuld Kaito, as much as he surely wanted to! Putting on his best act as a tough and brave hero, his confidence was shattered before a word could escape his lips as a blade of hard light shattered on the victorian era woman, bringing with it the oppressive aura that stole the courage from his limbs. Redoubling the shaking of his hands as he weakly gasped for air, the terror overwhelming the uncorageous lad. Even his grandpas voice had fled. All Kaito could do was shift ever so slowly backwards. Away from this terrifying old womans oppressive willpower driving him into the ground.