[color=fff79a][h3][center]~Isilfarrel~[/center][/h3][/color] Getting accepted in the Arcanaeum had not gone quite as she had expected. She had expected getting into it, after all her knowledge of histories and religious history should be invaluable. What she wasn't expected, was the obvious amount of work she was going to need to do. Not that she was afraid of hard work...but money? [i]Really?[/i] How greedy. Hmph. Not that she could entirely blame them. An institution needed money, but she wasn't exactly used to needing to work extremely hard at things she didn't particularly like. Hm, maybe she could get a job or something at the Apocrypha sorting or something. Books, she could handle...and it'd open some opportunities for research. A thought for later. She was too busy mentally restraining a groan at the thought of their current task. Field work. How quaint. Necessary, she supposed, but she'd have preferred staying inside. She was not interested in roughing it, as it were. Someone like her shouldn't need to do such a thing in the first place. The thought of potentially stumbling across ancient magics or artifacts relating to the Archmage in one of his old hideaways however, was more than enough motivation. Climbing into the back of the Wagon, Isil kept to herself unless she was spoken too. She had no desire to converse with the unenlightened masses. Instead, she took out a tome of history she had brought with her. A thing she had read numerous times before, ever since she came from the temple but it was something merely to pass the time.