[h2]Zone 1[/h2] [@Scribe of Thoth][@Stern Algorithm] Jumping at light speed, the weight of Shun’s body was enough to force the gun away from Mari, two shots going awry as the Mastermind grunted in surprise. In that opening, the dark-skinned girl charged in as well, bursting forward as quickly as she could. Her acceleration wasn’t sufficient to reach the even half her speed, but with only a couple feet separating her and the muscle bound villain, it wasn’t necessary either. Such distance though, was advantageous to him as well. With his arm pushed slightly to the side by Shun, the Mastermind simply swung his gun arm back, sending the pixelating boy towards Mari. No one had any space at all to maneuver in the entrance of the bus, after all, and the two of them struck each other, before they both fell down the stairs and onto the cold, unforgiving concrete. The man readjusted his aim once more, pointing the gun in their direction. [b]“What to do, what to do…”[/b] he murmured. [b]“Think you can do that move again, kid?”[/b] [h2]Zone 5[/h2] [@Animal][@KoL] As Minami scanned the area around her and decided on which dummies to rescue, a loud crash, followed by a meaty thump, sounded in her vicinity. It came from another student, one of the ones that chose to exchange numbers before the exam began. Apparently, all his efforts for communications were for naught, considering the extent of the injuries upon his body. Worse was the fact that he was flat out unconscious after whatever force sent him flying there. And worst was the possibility that he might still be pursued by a villain after all of this. What to do, what to do…the options just kept piling up.