[quote=Brovo]Gwazi I'm pretty sure everyone knows exactly how you feel about religion. Whether they want to or not.[/quote] They chose to read it. :P I'm just open about it when it's relevant. I don't go around with a Science book going "ATHEISM! ATHEISM!". [quote=Brovo]I dislike it vehemently because it completely contradicts what the original surge/movement was... That I could be allowed to not believe in God and be accepted in society anyway was all that I asked for. It's all I need. Christians don't barge in my home, they don't harass me when I go out in public, they don't do anything like that. Yes, there is the occasional fucking nutbar on the public bus that will loudly read his bible about how everyone who doesn't repent will get stuck up the ass with some jolly red dude's personal flaming pitchfork, but that person is not representative of the entire spectrum of believers of Christianity. The "new atheism" movement that most people reference is where people can't just be content to be accepted as atheists. No, they have to go so far as to try and disprove religion and what not. Bloody hell, a few people doing that is fine, an entire movement is just... Ridiculous. Though, I fully admit, it is fun sometimes to engage in philosophical battle.[/quote] I do have to agree that those who troll and harass those who are religious just for being religious is just ridiculous. It doesn't help the case for either side. But from what I understand people like that normally come from communities where there were surrounded by hateful religious extremist. And then one atheist, mostly just focus on those religious extremist specifically. That or they work in a field of education or science and get annoyed when Religious people try to argue science or get Religion on the same pedestal. My issues personally are more just with what Religion does when followed or taken too seriously. If someone is religious, but doesn't force it on others or try to slow down education and science then I'm fine with it. Even if I find the idea of Religion silly to begin with. [quote=Jannah] Exactly. Yes I'm atheist, but I really don't give a damn what other people believe as long as they're not trying to force it on me. I understand a lot of atheists are angry, particularly ones who grew up in fundamentalist households, but ridiculing religious people and acting intellectually superior is not going to help the situation. If anything, ridiculing religious people just gives them more fuel for their whole "war on religion" nonsense they like to spew. To give a recent example, there were atheists whining for the removal of a roadside cross at a car accident site. I wish I could find the article again :/. Anyway, that goes too far. There's family mourning ffs. [/quote] [url=http://www.gopusa.com/theloft/2014/03/08/atheists-force-woman-to-remove-cross-honoring-dead-son/]This Article?[/url] When I initially heard of the case I was annoyed at the atheists who did this also. But arguments were made such as if one case was allowed then they all would be. And how it could be dangerous if everyone who was religious who lost someone to an accident started placing memorials near the road for it. Essentially for many the issue wasn't a "Let's make this mother suffer cause she's religious" but rather "We need to keep the roads a safe place, and letting one through opens the door to all the others who want the same". Personally it's still an issue I'm somewhat split on. But I'd rather have the roads be safe than see another accident happen cause drivers got distracted by all the grave stones.