((Hey, It's me from FB and Titanpad, hope this is alright)) Name: Glair Tahromihle Race: Altmer (High Elf) Gender: Male Age: 497 (Born 3E 139) Birthsign: The Lover Appearance: [url=http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/221/5/a/tes_v__altmer_by_sardag-d6hd4iz.jpg]Glair[/url] Equipment: -Old Thalmor Light Armour Skills: Illusion - Learnt illusion from the Thalmor, as a use to be able to bypass security to be able to take out targets. Highly skilled, with 5 years of intense training, and then 20 years of intense studying of magic. Mysticism - Taught at the Mage Guild within Leyawaiin, 20 years of being taught, and the teaching is recent, therefore all of the knowledge is still within his brain, whereas he may be a little rusty in the arts of illusion and conjuration. Hand to Hand - Sometimes Glair had to get a bit more 'involved' in the missions, and therefore became fairly well-versed in the arts of Hand-Hand combat, yet he is quite unused to it now, as he has not seen reason to use it recently. Light Armour - Glair always had to be able to get around quickly when dealing with contracts, yet he also had to have some form of protection against attack. He has kept his original Thalmor armour, as it is still good armour, even though he despises it's creators. Conjuration - Taught to him by the Thalmor, as it is a better way to assassinate someone as it does leaves less signs that you had been there, also, it is better to stay detached and as far away as possible from your targets. Security - His ability to lock pick and such was almost natural, as a child, he had always attempted to enter his dad’s shop after closing time. His father also taught him the basics of the lock used on the door, which lead to Glair understanding locks more. Personality: Glair is seen to be a person who is very easy to get on with, as he seems to know exactly what to say to a person to make them like him. Yet most of the people meets, he is suspicious of, and is unlikely to trust most people, even ones who become close to him. To the trained eye, or someone looking from the outside, without any involvement with Glair, will most probably be able to spot this, but those he talks to seem to be under a spell that makes them oblivious to his fear of trust. This issue could be diagnosed as an illness, as he loses sleep over it, and cannot be alone in a small room with someone for too long, or he will start to sweat, and worry about what may occur, which is usually nothing. Background: Glair was born into a family of extreme Altmer pride, and was forced to share their views that the Altmer were superior to all other races. His family would steer clear of any other race, as they believed that they carried diseases, such as the rats did. He was born before the Oblivion Crisis, but cannot remember much of it, as his family tended to stay sheltered rather than go out and fight, within the early years of Glair’s life (Early years being the first 300), nothing significant had happened, nothing of importance. Unfortunately for his family, they did not live in Summerset Isles, they had to live in Skyrim, as their town, a small coastal town near Firsthold was attacked by Redguard Barbarians, which they had never thought would have occurred, and therefore were forced to flea by sea, from some docks a few miles to the south. They hastily evacuated, yet discovered that they had no form of navigation, so they just drifted. At the end of the journey, only Glair, his parents, and his sister had survived, whereas they had left with two other of Glair’s siblings. By the age of 40, Glair was homeless and almost an only child. When they arrived at shore, they noticed that they had landed on the place that had brought them the barbarians, Hammerfell, but they could not set the boat of again, as it would definitely bring too much attention to them. They decided to attempt to find passage out of the region, which would be difficult at best. After two moons of roaming, not going in any certain direction, they came across an elven caravan, it wasn’t Altmer, but it was Bosmer, which still was a rare sight in Hammerfell, but this was a lucky occasion nonetheless. They requested passage to somewhere safer than Hammerfell, and the owner of the caravan, reluctantly, stated that they were headed for Skyrim, to attend a meeting concerning the Thalmor. This was the moment at which Glair realised that his parent had been working for the Thalmor before the Oblivion crisis, as they had exstensive knowledge of the doings of the Thalmor, even though they had been 'disbanded'. The Bosmer went to the meeting, secretly within the basement of an inn within Riften, owned by Mauve Black-Briar, which she allowed them to use through the use of a large bribe. This may be seen as the cause for Black-Briar links to the Thalmor in the future. Seeing as Glair’s family had no where to go, had previous connections with the Thalmor, and had not really been placed within a better country, they decided to attend the meeting. During the meeting, the Thalmor suggested that the Tahromihle family become part of the Thalmor’s ‘less diplomatic’ area, as they seemed to be the ‘perfect people for the job.’ Glair had no idea of what they were talking about, but the mixture of relief, suspicion, distress and joy on his parent’s faces, he could tell that it was a large request. Glair’s parents became avid members of the Thalmor again, doing jobs that he and his sister were not allowed to see. Yet, they were trained themselves. His sister was trained in archery, whereas he was trained in the art of illusion and conjuration. He enjoyed the classes, but had no clue as to what they were to lead him to. By the end of a 5-year study, Glair was enrolled to perform in jobs similar to those that his parents had performed along with his sister. He completed the jobs perfectly, not seeming to be affected by the deaths that he caused. This was due to his previous experience of his sibling’s deaths, and his upbringing and experiences causing him to hate most other races. After 4 years of this, Glair’s sister went missing. He was told by the Thalmor that she had ‘defected’ and was no longer a member of the Thalmor, and a traitor to the Altmer and all other mer. He could not harbour negative feelings towards his sister, no matter how many times they said she was ‘with the enemy’ and ‘no longer one of us’, as she was the only family that he had left. His parents had died a couple of years ago, yet it was just of old age, well, that’s what the Thalmor had told Glair and his sister. 106 years later, the year was 4E 160, and Skyrim appears peaceful, yet underneath, people like Glair are still waging a silent war, one of politics, sabotage, and assassinations. Glair is given the task to execute someone, which he does very rarely now, but it is still his job, so, as usual, he obeys. His target is a wealthy female, an informant against the Altmer, a traitor. Glair was never told much about his contracts personally, as that may result in some jobs being done unprofessionally. He completes the job, and, as usual, he goes to collect the body to remove the most evidence as he can. He goes to the body, looks at the face, and almost faints. He recognises the face, yet not directly. It is the face of someone he knew a long time ago, yet he has not seen them for decades. Then he realises that it’s his sister, his sister who had defected from the Thalmor, and instantly realised why she had done so. His sister had realised the horrible truth of the Thalmor, that they would stop an nothing to get their way. He now realised this, and decided to follow the path of his sister. He ran, and escaped out of Skyrim, South to Cyrodiil. He continued to travel south, without much food or shelter, until he came across Leyawiin, where he decided that he had gone far enough, and needed to travel no further. Throughout the rest of his days, he took residence within the company of a family dedicated to sorcery, especially the areas of Mysticism, and begun to train his magic, constantly harbouring a burning desire to seek revenge on the Thalmor, yet it constant fear that they will find him. He wants to go, to travel elsewhere, where the Thalmor would not find him, and where he could strike back. There was soon to be the perfect opportunity.