9PM, Room 33 of the Lady Liberty Apartments, several blocks south of The Woodlands Gideon woke up in the dark confines of his room, crumpled papers and an overloaded waste bin littered the floor below his mattress. Stretching out, he slips out of the blankets and fixes them back up behind him. He didn't bother turning a light bulb on, he hadn't paid the electrical bill since he moved into the apartment, the room had windows and he could work just as easily by candlelight or natural light as he could under artificial, plus it saved him money on rent. He poked the blinds over the window, checking the sun with his hand widths to determine the time. "Two hours since the sun rose...must be around 9." Gideon lets go of the blinds, walking over to his nearby ice chest, since he had no electricity, he needed ice to preserve his food or drinks. He reached in and grabbed a red delicious apple. He wipes it on his sleeve and takes a bite, walking over to the nearby Davenport couch as he does which was where he left his pants and shirt. Gideon slips them on, shifting the apple from hand to hand as he adjusts them. He finishes, taking another bite, noticing his hand in the dim room. It was looking paler than usual. "Damn Glamour must be wearing off...No matter, I'll have one of the Witches fix it once I get to The Woodlands." Gideon passes his desk and nearby safe beneath it as he walks over to the door. He then slips his running shoes on along with his green overcoat and baseball cap before opening the door of his Apartment, he locks it behind him. He then makes for the stairway down to begin his daily walk to The Woodlands.