[B]Mia Inuzuka - Team 9[/B] A slight smile graced her lips as she recalled Hiron saying something like that before. she opened her mouth to speak and enquire about it but the look from Hiron told her to keep her mouth shut about it. Mia followed her two new team mates to the gate her ninkun following close behind, she wondered how they would cope with their new assignment. Mia decided that she would stay behind the two Genin and not do the mission to her full potential as the two Genin needed to learn. She didn't know what the two genin were thinking about this mission but she listen as her sensei gave out orders, and she got into formation without a word or hesitation. When the turtle was spotted Mia was slightly hesitant she was not yet in sync with the other two members so she was cautious. with one motion of her hand she sent her ninkun to another side of the lake so that if the turtle did go in the water they would have a chance of flushing it out onto open ground again. she them watched and waited to see what the genin would do.