[hider=Zer0] [b]Name:[/b] Zer0 [b]Game Origin:[/b] Borderlands 2 [b]Appearance:[/b] [Hider=Full Body] [Img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/343748202379608065/523536858819461141/steamworkshop_webupload_previewfile_121196849_preview.png[/img][/hider] [Hider=Challenger Card] [Img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/343748202379608065/523536859347812358/Zer0.png[/img][/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] Zer0 is an enigma. Very literal, he only speaks in haiku, and ultimately a rather silent type. Zer0 is the epitome of 'mysterious' and his personality greatly reflects that. Some may even wonder if he's even human... [b]Background:[/b] [I] Warning, contains Borderlands 2 and Borderlands: The PreSequel spoilers on the off chance that you're [b]still[/b] avoiding those. [/I] Zer0, the mysterious Assassin, has led a life. Probably. From being 'recruited' by Handsome Jack just to have an attempt on his life made, Zer0 and the other surviving Vault Hunters teamed up to.... Kill Handsome Jack. Which they did, murdering thousands of people along the way as they paved a path of destruction against the psychos of Pandora's wastelands. Having killed the Warrior, an ancient alien weapon, and Jack there were some other adventures from battling Pirates to a Tournament to the death to hunting in the wilds to torturing a guy for information while their friends played DnD upstairs! Since then, Zer0 and the other living Vault Hunters had teamed up with other Vault Hunters, searching the Galaxy for new Vaults and allies for a mysterious war that loomed on the horizon. And if there's one thing Zer0 knows, it's murder and mystery. [b]Specialty:[/b] Stealth | Assassin | Decoy [b]Level:[/b] 3 [b]Experience:[/b] 5/30 [b]Powers:[/b] [list] [*] Decepti0n — Aka Stealth. Zer0 becomes invisible, deploying a holographic decoy of himself [*] b0re — Zer0's bullets penetrate through enemies and their equipment, dealing increased damaged with each hit. [*] Execute — Zer0 can dash to an enemy within 3 meters of him for a melee attack that deals massive damage. [/list] [b]Strengths:[/b] [list] [*] Agility, Zer0 is light on his feet. [*] Marksmanship [*] Swordsmanship [/list] [b]Weaknesses:[/b] [List] [*] Can only speak in Haiku [*] Squishy (aka, little in the way of defenses) [*] No social skills [/List] [b]Spirits:[/b] (See Spirits section for details. Start with none) [list] [*][B]Robot Scout[/b] The Scout's distinctive cap and earpiece are integrated with Zer0's suit, and the bottom halves of his legs bear a distinctly retro robotic look. His facial display is also light blue now instead of red. This spirit confers the Power Frontrunner Hardware, increasing running speed and jump height while allowing an impossible midair jump. This spirit also inflicts the Weakness Robo-susceptibility, making him vulnerable to EMP and other jamming attacks [/list] [b]Kindred Spirits:[/b] [List] [*] Widowmaker (Overwatch) [*] Gaige the Mecromancer (Borderlands 2) [*] Ahri (League of Legends) [/List] [b]Inventory:[/b] [List] [*] His trusty sword [*] Some crappy sniper [*][B]Null Sector Ammo Case[/b] A case containing a variety of extra ammunition, including pistol, rifle, and sniper rounds. Its variety means there isn't an abundance of each type, but there's enough of each: 40 pistol, 20 rifle, and 9 sniper. All rounds in this purple Null Sector case are Null Sector rounds, which incorporate laser technology to deal heat as well as puncture damage, and also function as tracers. [*] [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/warframe/images/c/c0/U10InfPrimary.png/revision/latest?cb=20130914111405]Synapse[/url] An organic rifle whose internal organs generate potent charges of bioelectricity to accurately fry enemies at close or medium range. It unleashes 12 jolts per second in a continuous stream, with 72 jolts per charge and 6 seconds to fully recharge, though it won't fire while recharging. The weapon does not need to feed, but it should be cleaned. [/List] [/hider]