[center][b]Waki Sanosuke[/b][/center] The old jonin commander was sleeping when the orders arrived. Though that didn't last long as the ANBU forced him awake by obnoxiously shouting at him. With a swiftly placed panic-punch to the ANBU, Waki realized he wasn't back in the Shinobi World War and sat upright in his bed. The ANBU picked himself up off the floor and went over it again. [b]"The Raikage requires your immediate presence. He says you two have urgent matters to discuss,"[/b] he explained. Realizing what was going on, Waki began laughing and gave the ANBU a pat on the shoulder. [b]"Sorry about punching you there. I will be in his office in a few minutes."[/b] To his promise, he was dressed in his flashy formal wear and was out the door in less than two minutes. This left him hungry for breakfast, but he can always eat later. For a man of his age, he always surprised himself with how fit he is and what he can do, for he made the journey across Kumogakure in less than a minute. After stopping at the door, the eclectic Waki Sanosuke recomposed himself and entered Takeru's office. [b]"You caught me napping,"[/b] he joked, before laughing at his own joke. [b]"What is this urgency I have been told of?"[/b]