[center][color=FFB6C1][h3]Chelsea R. Steiner[/h3][/color][/center] [sub][center]The Coffee House – Darwin[/center][/sub] [hr] Chelsea does the cheer with Caz even though he looks like he’s been drinking a bit. She looked around the room to see if anything was happening. However, she saw a cute scene with the two pilots behind Caz, hugging as if they were in need of a helping hand. [color=FFB6C1][i]”Aww, that’s adorable… Even though I need a bit of help every now a then.”[/i][/color] Chelsea thought to herself, thinking about her relationship with her mother. It’s still a bit rocky every now and then only when they get off on a wrong foot. She noticed Caz fell a sleep sitting up, which made her a bit worried about him. However, she didn’t really know him that well and allowed him to sleep. The cup of coffee she was drinking was finished, she got up a bit and looked around. She decided to walk to the two ladies, which she saw was a cute scene. [color=FFB6C1]”Hello, are you two doing okay?”[/color] Chelsea questioned Terra and Kxeyun. She was a bit worried about them since they were her squadmates in this up and coming battle. She had a smile on her face. Chelsea looked when anew person entered the room, which had an air of being a parent and smiled at her. She had a bit of a strange smile on her face, which is a bit confused. However, she had seen her around and remember talking to her once. [color=FFB6C1]”Oh hi, Marianne. How are you doing today?”[/color] Chelsea questioned Marianne with a smile on her face. She felt a bit nervous around Marianne because it reminds her about her own mother but with a fearlessness to her unlike her mother. She gives out a sigh of relief. [color=FFB6C1][i]”U-Ugh, every time she talks to me I feel like I am bringing up my past around her… I dislike this..”[/i][/color] Chelsea thought to herself, which caused her to look towards Terra and Kxeyun instead. [sub][center][@Selvariabell][@Senhara][@FalloutJack][@Sgt Vandingo][/center][/sub]