[center][h2][color=fff200]Maria Leonora "Len" Trillanes[/color][/h2] [hr][/center] Len smiled at the compliment, but it also made her feel proud of her beloved Cecilio Castoldi, an exiled noble from Paragon, or at least he claims. Cecilio had a hand in making Charlemagne, adding a touch of Paragon romance in an efficient and reliable Haven frame. "I am confident that Charlemagne will do it's best. It hasn't failed me once, nor will see it fail.", she guaranteed. She looks at her surroundings, and noticed [i]Maman[/i] greeting the newcomers. Len assumes she's a commanding officer by the way she address herself. While she likes her maternal aura, she doesn't like is her possible parenting approach. Based on her impression, Maman is more intrusive than a surveillance drone, something she doesn't like. Nevertheless, she straightens up and salute in attention. "Second Lieutenant Maria Leonora Trillanes reporting for duty, Ma'am!", Len salutes in attention. [sub][center][@Andre Valias][@Scribe of Thoth][@Letter Bee][@Sgt Vandingo][@Landaus Five-One][@Senhara][@Stern Algorithm][/center][/sub] [hr] [center][h2][color=6ecff6]Marianne Solenn [i]"Maman"[/i] Trudeau[/color][/h2] [hr] [youtube]https://youtu.be/RRVPTeL5udc[/youtube][/center] [hr] [i]Maman[/i] reciprocated the reactions with a smile. She is honestly surprised with a snappy reception from the newcomers, particularly Len, who might have mistaken her for a commander. "At ease, [i]ma cherie[/i], I am not your commanding officer.", [i]Maman[/i] puts Len at ease. She then turns to Chelsea, her informal response reminds her of her daughters. She replies to her cheerfully. "I feel absolutely [i]fantastique[/i], [i]ma cherie[/i]. Anyways, how should I address you, dear?", [i]Mamam[/i] replied to Chelsea. [i]Maman[/i] noticed Zahra raising her eyebrows. She asks her on what's bothering her. "You seemed bothered, is there anything that I can help you, [i]ma cherie[/i]?", she asked Zahra. [sub][center][@Andre Valias][@Scribe of Thoth][@Letter Bee][@Sgt Vandingo][@Landaus Five-One][@Senhara][@Stern Algorithm][/center][/sub]