[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/UBWy0zP.png[/img][/center] [sub][center][b]Interacting With:[/b] ([@Landaus Five-One]) Stephanie, ([@HokumPocus]) ArĀ“oa, ([@Ithradine]) Bradamante[/center][/sub] Asri could only smile at the small girl, sympathetic to her fears, though she raised an eyebrow at the mention of the goddess. She could sense an energy from the young adult and thought perhaps she had a great potential behind those streaming tears of sadness. As she was asked her name, she could only offer a calming smile. [color=38cfff][b]"You may call me Asri.. and this place is indeed what you seek, simply deemed the 'Sanctuary' - I wouldn't doubt if the goddess herself lead you here."[/b][/color] The woman didn't have much time to reply, though obviously Asri had heard her thoughts - or perhaps she said the right thing at the right time, because Asri didn't mention a thing as she turned to the Anubis. [color=38cfff][b]"Honor met Anubis - it a pleasure to see your kind again, though to be in the forest and away from the harsh sands must be quite the shock,"[/b][/color] she said with a quiet chuckle. [color=38cfff][b]"As you've heard, you may call me Asri."[/b][/color] The ranger was unsure how wide spread her name was, but then again, she didn't care much if her legend had spread across the world or she was but a whisper in the wind - glory was never her goal anyways. She could recall her years within the harsh sands of the wasteland and truly rare was the Anubis, however she had the honor to meet and assist a few of the elders - they were a reclusive clan for certain. As Bradamante mentioned they could all head in, she had no hesitation in following the sharp footsteps of the animated solider, her eyes darting out of curiosity of the dark, imposing, and yet mythical and magical walls of the castle. Taking in a deep breath, she could still feel and hear the whispers upon the wind, giving her general feelings of what this place was and those who dwelled within - indeed, this was an ancient and mysterious place. [color=38cfff][i]'Even after all I've been through.. at times like this, I feel like a babe, stepping into a world unknown to me.. what do you have in store for me, [u]m'lady[/u]?'[/i][/color]