[quote=@Archmage MC] They're... interesting. Think robot pokemon, but when you beat one you can get one of their parts which you can apply to your own medabot as long as it matches their medal, which is the 'core stats' part of the medabot. Each part has its own abilities and whatnot. And fights are kind of like pokemon fights, but also pretty different as well. (Unless its the ARPG game, which is like a smash bros fighter.) Although unlike pokemon, each medabot that isn't the player one has its own personality. It was a series made during the pokemon craze of the 90s/00s, so its not surprising it shows so many paralells. As for design wise, the Medabots had a chibi robot sort of look, but were clearly robots. Some were humanoid, some were frame based, and some were based off of animals. But their key defining art style look was their doll joints. And its pretty obvious when you see a medabot due to their design being so noticable. They're luke Gundams in that regard. BTW you don't have to do a picture because of the lack of material for Blazermate. The doom guy was really good xD. (She never appeared in the anime, only in the later games as the bonus boss) [/quote] That's pretty awesome. I might give making a thing for her a go but I'll need some time and cool quote or something.