[center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjU0LjM2NzgzMC5WR0Z1YVdFLC4y/the-gingerbread-house.regular.png[/img][/center] Tania snickered, the illusory snake disappearing almost as fast as it had been made. Well, that was that then. Target had been found. The young human had completely paled at the sight of the snake, while the older one even recognized it for what it was. Huhu, even if it hadn't had much effort put into it, it usually took awhile for someone to realize such a thing for what it was. So that older lady was most certainly experienced. How far could she take it, she wondered? A thought to ponder for later. That little human child was far more interesting at the moment. Normally eavesdropping was considered rude, but Tania was not one to care for conventional manners. [color=598527]"...Rita? That Rita?"[/color] She mused quietly to herself. Curious. So they had a kid. She knew of the name, anyone who paid attention to rumors, stories, and recent events would. As someone who traveled a lot, one picked up quite a many tales over the lands, and Rita was generally considered bad news. Honestly, it made her sick. As she had once traveled with a band of mercenaries for some time, people like Rita and her [i]bandits[/i] gave them all a bad name. She wouldn't accept them as mercenaries in the slightest. Thugs for hire is all they were. Ahh, if he had been here he'd love to be friends with this human... ... Tania sighed, stretching her legs over the paintings frame. Hmm, how to go about introducing herself?