[center][h2]Kxeyun Amarati[/h2] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQpwptNmRMc[/youtube][/center] [hr] Upon hearing the order to sortie, Kxeyun gives Terra a gentle hug then darts off, running to her room to change into her entry suit. It conveniently looked a lot like her normal clothing except in a drysuit fashion. After that's done, she runs off to her NC, smiling widely [i]"Oh how they'll see my claws turn the enemy into a filleted fish... That's too dark, I'll just cut them up and capture them."[/i] The large back plate on Sahaquiel is lowered, and unlike most NCs there are TWO entry mechanisms, a silver pod is inserted into the top one, that's the ejection pod. Kxeyun clambers into the lower one, playing leapfrog with the passenger seat, sliding into the main one. Upon doing that, she attaches a special collar to herself and grabs the rather advanced physical controls which yet again is unusual for an NC. After a few button presses, the NC starts up, a handful of startup commands flashing across the screen. Behind her, she can hear the entry hatch close as the metal plate slides back into position, temporarily dousing her in pitch blackness. After exactly five seconds, screens all around her flicker to life, showing her the outside of the NC and status indicators. A large status indicator flashes in front of her then vanishes, reading: [b]MENTAL CONTAMINATION: ZERO PERCENT. LINK STATUS: HEALTHY. SAHAQUIEL: ONLINE. COMMAND>START: INITIATED. ALL SYSTEMS NOMINAL, ENGINES ACTIVATED. SELF TEST CONFIRMED. "God is in his Heaven, all's right with the world."[/b] After a short amount of time, Sahaquiel is released into the battlefield. She walks forward slowly, stomping with every footstep, kicking up dust. She proceeds to crouch down behind a large building, waiting for the enemy and to avoid snipers. She turns on the communication systems and tells the team "Godspeed, everyone. Let's not die today." Sahaquiel pokes its head up. "I uh... See an NC, black and purple with horns on its head. I'm... Not picking up any life signatures from it, no jamming detected. That's impossible! No NC can operate without a human pilot! Why does it look exactly like an armored human?" Her NC's claws twitch and the hands ball up into fists. [hr] [center][h2]TABRIS[/h2] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4GxaL5JnrI[/youtube][/center] [hr] TABRIS hovers gently through the barrier, proceeding to hover about the battlefield head turning to check out the competitors. She mutters to herself using the NC's loudspeakers "Pitiful creatures... Slaves to your machines..." She proceeds to shout over the comms system "HISAKO! Calm yourself! Overextending yourself like that will only get you killed! That big clawed one looks like it'll be able to tear you up in seconds. Something isn't right with it, it's producing double the energy of the other NCs on their side, is it [i]trying[/i] to draw attention to itself?" TABRIS hasn't spotted Oh-Cee jamming, thankfully "Other Red-Star pilots, I'd advise staying out of long narrow areas, they seem poised to take advantage of that. I'll flank and try and hit them from the side." She proceeds to dart off, moving elegantly. [i]Too[/i] elegantly to have a normal pilot, of course. Her moves are like an ice skater, swiftly skating across the ground. If anything were to get in her way, well, she'd start cutting at them. Once she gets in position, her swords stab into the ground, bringing her to a halt. She brings them up out of the ground and fires her EMP in a small area around her, just in case there were any traps. Her energy shields then spring to life, and she spins around with her swords outstretched, cutting anything in their path, ruining buildings and valuables left behind. Just to be a pain in the ass, she completely wrecks a building next to her, gently laughing. She destroyed a home to a family of five. [i]"Causing psychological trauma will be fun... Destroy everything, make 'em cry. They'll rebel against Haven for not protecting their homes better. Weak ass Havenites..."[/i]