[h2][color=lightgreen]Ekon-Danna Turn Nine[/color][/h2] [hider=Summary:] Response X) Ask the slaver a million questions. (The number of questions may vary based on available counting methods) Improvement G) Prospect the land. Teshi Ekon and a group of trolls will be searching and prospecting area for useful resources to use. [/hider] [hr] The sweat had stopped pouring from Tenshi's brow but his back still ached from the hard work, though rest was the last thing on his mind at the moment. The water ways had been set up, all they needed now was water to flow through them to make this land prosperous. While he had been working hard alongside the others his mind had gathered an idea together. It had turned over and over in his thoughts, he had polished the words he would use and smoothed out any problems until he was ready to walk along the sand and dirt the covered the area. He travelled across the crude pathways that had been carved between the tents and the fireplaces, dodging guy ropes and scattered debris made by the nearly four hundred people that called Hunzuu home. The overwhelming presence of those around him was tangible as he trudged through the throng of energy and life. Each twist and turn held a new and varied sight and sound from peoples daily lives. The smell of food roasting on a firepit, the snoring of a sleeping troll under the shade of his tent or the babble of conversations caught and lost Tenshi's attention as he picked his way through the camp. A group of small children raced past him trying to catch one another, their infectious laughter drew his attention from his thoughts and towards the camel-skin tent that stood alone in centre of the crush. People had squeezed into every possible space Hunzuu had, yet had left a respectable arms length from the chief's tent. Tenshi pulled the tent flap aside and ducked into the shaded tent, the camel skin doing little to muffle the sounds of bountiful life outside. Csini sat quietly to one side of the tent, sitting comfortably amongst a few pillows sewing ripped clothes back together. Tenshi bowed respectfully to her and she responded with a slight tilted her head. Malak was a few steps further into the tent carving meaningless symbols into a chunk of sandstone he clung to as if it would spring to life and tell him the answers to all his problems. The pair sat quietly wandering through their own mental world, but the room was still abuzz with the chatter that permeated the camel-skin walls. [i]“My Chief, I've had an idea.”[/i] Tenshi began, uncaring of what thoughts were broken by his interruption. The chief looked up, as if waking from a dream, his eyes were unfocused and he nodded for Tenshi to continue while he regained himself. [i]“We must search the lands. The ancestors brought us here for a reason, they must have left a gift for us in the soil. Someone must have found something, maybe one of the children has picked up a strange rock or....”[/i] Tenshi's words trailed off as Malak put down his carvings and nodded. [i]“Travel amongst the people, ask any questions you wish.”[/i] Malak's clipped words gathered pace as ideas flooded his mind. [i]“We shall send people into the nearby area to search for resources.”[/i] [hr] Senwe considered the words of the stranger carefully. Trolls were no stranger to keeping slaves, or to being slaves, but this man made a living from keeping them. A dangerous man, he pondered as he gathered his thoughts. [i]“Greetings, stranger. I am Senwe of the Ekon tribe. We are travellers from the far southlands who seek a place to call our own.”[/i] He gestured to the reed mat as a show of good faith and to the goats cheese and water the trio had shared, [i]“will you join us amongst the gods to discuss the matters of these lands and your business?”[/i] The two warrior trolls stood and moved a few spaces away from the god tent to make space for the stranger. [i]“You speak of Giwabi, are they the owners of the soldiers who have watched us with such interest?”[/i] The questions bubbled up in his mind like water at an oasis and spilt from him in a torrent. [i]“Could you show us to the leader of the Giwabi tribe so that we may talk and what would you trade for those you hold?”[/i]