[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/460330125683326986/519962908638314536/vladtepesii-vlads-dad.regular.png[/img][/center] [hr] [@13org][@Sho Minazuki] [hr] If Garsin ever said he was confident in the safety of this mission, it would be a bold faced lie. Nothing about this mission made sense from the moment they took it up. Annika didn't look very convinced either. Not only were they meeting a contact instead of the other way around, but the contact didn't even show up. Instead there was a Frinian, representing the sultan of Antayikk, who was the stand in for Realin official. If someone didn't see that as a red flag, they hadn't been in the business long enough. The first words that popped into his mind were 'oh great, we're scapegoats'. He crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair, one leg up resting the ankle on his other knee, and one of his hands up to his chin in thought. An eyebrow raised when the sack of coin hit the table, dubbed the ransom or the girl that was to be kidnapped. Which was, yet again, strange. Hiring two snipers to make the ransom exchange when they would be better suited in an overwatch position? Not normal. The more he listened to the situation the more he didn't like it. He stood up at the end of the meeting and left the informant with a small bow. When they had left, he was about to say something about being right about choosing their attire, but when Annika asked him not to, knowing just what he was going to say, he just grinned as she went on to explain some of her concerns with the mission. They were pretty much the same as his. He simply shrugged. [color=tan]"Well, I can agree that it is very suspicious. A Frinian man, representing Antayikk, contacting us on behalf of a Realin senator to save the senetor's daughter and work out who took her."[/color] He stopped on the sidewalk for a moment and thought about their position and where to get information. Garsin noticed her blushing about mentioning having to go to the palace and couldn't help laughing. He turned to Annika, and then looked around to make sure there weren't any prying ears. [color=tan]"Well, as much as I would like to rub it in that [i]'I told you so'[/i], I'm not quite so sure that is actually the best place to go. Leave it to someone in high social status to tell someone to get info at the palace. Nah, that's too risky. Too many people that could be close to the political enemy running around keeping an ear out. It would also be highly suspicious for two people they have never seen before, dressed up or not, to show up and start snooping around the palace asking people question about current politics. It would warn whoever we are after that we are there and digging for intel, and could botch the whole mission. I was actually thinking of a bar. If its anyone who hears everything that is going on around town between anybody, its the barkeeps. Besides,"[/color] he started to add, pulling at the collar of his suit that seemed to keep a snug grip around his neck, [color=tan]"This thing is really starting to get uncomfortable. Lets just hope that the picture matches the girl,"[/color] he waved the photo in his hand before storing it. He took off his suit jacket and draped it over the sack of coin, hiding it from view in his other hand. [color=tan]"At least we looked nice for the substitute contact, eh?"[/color] he jeered.